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Noticeable Sleepy Effect
Citation:   FunkySanta. "Noticeable Sleepy Effect: An Experience with GHB & 5-HTP (exp67506)". Feb 18, 2011.

7 ml oral GHB (liquid)
  100 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP (pill / tablet)
I've been a GHB user for over three years now. I just wanted to point out this effect I've had when recently combining a 'nice' fat dose of GHB, let's say 7 ml, and 5-HTP pills found at your common pharmacy. These pills are used as a 'natural' way to up mood, converting in the body as serotonin, a 'feel good' neurotransmitter. Thus supposedly lifting a miserable mood and helping ease into sleep.

I've been trying them recently on and off as a cheaper way to have the same effect as an anti-depressant. Loving GHB and doing it regularly the high gets me energized and active, I want to go out, do music, go ride a bike, smoke anxiety-free pot, etc... But when combined with 100mg 5-HTP I've remarked almost every time a hypnotic effect. Like I'm on GHB but I've also drank a water-tank of Hot-Milk mixed with 200x camomille! And that hits fast.

I suspect the 5-HTP is metabolized very quickly, because with that mix, I am obliged to lay on my FLA bright yellow real leather couch (my pride) in a half-hour. Don't know why but EVERYTIME my mood was exceptionally shitty about 3-4 hours after the combo.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67506
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2011Views: 9,151
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GHB (25), Tryptophan - 5-HTP (196) : Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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