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How I Collapsed in Love
Sceletium tortuosum & Various
Citation:   Esquimot. "How I Collapsed in Love: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum & Various (exp67742)". Dec 31, 2007.

  repeated insufflated Sceletium tortuosum (ground / crushed)
      Poppies - Opium  
I was playing around on legal highs website with and I came across kanna and my interest was piqued. So I researched it a bit online was quite confused. I read nearly all the experience reports and the general impression I got was that i) it does do something, ii) whatever that 'something' is good but iii) not particularly amazing. Much was made of how cheap it is per active amount. But that didn't seem to me to be much of an endorsement. But since I was going to order some kratom anyway I bought 5g of 'dry chopped' (as opposed to 'powder extract') kanna.

When it arrived I took the kratom shot and snorted about 150 - 200 grams of the kanna. This was my second time taking kratom and the second time I felt nothing from it. I suspect an opiate tolerance is in action here or simply that the dose which is sold as active for most is, for some reason, not enough for me. However, I did feel the kanna. As everyone mentions - it is not particularly pleasant to snort (actually insufflate). The powdered form may would be somewhat better. I don't imagine I would snort it on an evening out like I would coke. However, it's ok.

After about 10 minutes I began to feel it. It was very similar to the feeling of coming up on mdma with a bit of the jitteriness of the first line of coke. Also, just like those drugs I had to go empty my bowels. In fact it was so like a mixture of the two substances that it was uncanny. And yet, that makes it sound much more amazing than it is. After a while the feeling left unnoticed and it never occurred to me to redose - a sure sign in my opinion that a drug is not all that.

That night, for unrelated reasons, I didn't sleep very well. I woke up at 09:00 but had hoped to sleep longer so I thought, what the hey, this kanna stuff is supposed to be
Relaxing, maybe it will put me back for a few hours. I did two lines comprising about 250 mg and within 10 minutes I felt that strong mdma come up feeling and was having pleasant warm shivers and chattery jaw underneath my quilt. I awoke two hours later, no more refreshed, but pleased I’d got more sleep.

Over the next few weeks occasionally I’d remember I had it and would rail two lines out of boredom. Occasionally it would make me feel a bit angsty but the feeling of it always drifted away without me really thinking much about it. One night I had prepared a fair bit of codeine which I took a few hours before I intended to go to sleep. After two hours I was feeling quite drowsy. I noticed some unsnorted lines of kanna in my closet and absentmindedly snorted them. I really regretted it. They made me feel quite awake again and totally neutralized the codeine high. I more or less thought this was the end of my kanna experimentation. It just seemed fairly pointless and unsatisfactory.

However, I still had about 2 grams left and since it was sitting there, there was always going to be a bored moment. And I’m glad there was: I’ve gotten quite into poppy pod tea preparations recently. I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the tea but what I enjoy most is when I get 'the nod' or shortly before I get 'the nod'. What I’ve discovered is that 2 100mg lines of kanna at this point is pure, unadulterated bliss. It is unbelievably similar to an mdma high at this point. I feel my brain flooded with serotonin ad feel very relaxed and very happy, though less alert. What’s more after about half hour I enjoy redosing. The only difference really with the mdma high is that I’m way too dozy/relaxed to be sociable or dance. but it is a beautiful feel in its own way, wrapped up in bed with mellow music, drifting in and out, and being awake enough to enjoy the pleasure of sleep but usually eventually drifting off properly.

This is in sharp contrast to the feeling I had when I mixed with codeine alone. I’m not sure which alkaloid or alkaloids of the opium (poppy tea) is creating the wonderful synergy with kanna. I had heard opium and mdma have a great synergy but it is unlikely I would ever try that combination as I would never take opium in a social setting whereas I would never take mdma alone. I’ve noticed that a few people have mixed kanna and kratom but there was no mention of any synergy there. I’d be really interested to hear any other experiences of opium and kanna. To me the effects of the two together are remarkable. I’ve now finished the 5 grams of kanna but I’m definitely going to get more.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67742
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 31, 2007Views: 29,513
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