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Closest Thing to MDMA without MDMA
Citation:   psychonaut2005. "Closest Thing to MDMA without MDMA: An Experience with 4-Fluoroamphetamine (exp68065)". Feb 16, 2009.

3 capsls oral 4-Fluoroamphetamine
Took 3 Caps of neo doves/4-fluoroamphetamine which i purchased from an online supplier, they said it was like mdma but I was skeptical at best. So I popped all three because I read that u needed at least 3 to 4 to produce the desired mdma like effect. So down the hatch watching football game and about thirty minutes later the first thing I noticed was that I was getting a rapid heartbeat. Kinda scared me a first but I made do. Now this slowly rised into what I would call a pseudomdma buzz. My eyes started going wiggly I became more talkitive so I called a few people I havent talked to in years and just carried on conversation as if we havent' been apart at all.

Then soon after say an hour and a half into the experience I got that MDMA high I was so surprised by how close the two were I could barely tell a difference the only one being is that the neo-doves reminded of a really speedy roll. So I rolled and yes I mean rolled for a good 3-4 hours teeth clenching and all eye wiggles feeling great but the only downfall is that I couldn't sleep for the life of me the rest of the night.

The next time I take them I think that some diazepam would help the after effects but all in all the closest thing to real MDMA without MDMA in my book.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68065
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 16, 2009Views: 30,350
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