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Useful but Not Recreational
Citation:   Anonamouse. "Useful but Not Recreational: An Experience with Mirtazapine (exp68135)". Jan 24, 2020.

30 mg oral Pharms - Mirtazapine (daily)
I am a 20 year old male living in the UK and for the last 6 weeks I have been prescribed 30mg of Remeron taken at night before bed for depression, the symptoms of which included erratic sleep patterns, lack of energy, suicidal thoughts and intense feelings of anxiety. I was previously prescribed Prozac but stopped taking it due to stomach cramps and increased suicidal feelings.

For the first three weeks the Remeron side affects were difficult to deal with but after this time they subsided and the pros far outweigh the cons, in my experience anyway. These difficult side effects (for me) included feeling tired and un-coordinated for hours after waking up, constant dry mouth and very vivid dreams during which I often became lucid (which is a rarity for me).

After the recommended three week ‘waiting’ period for anti-depressants to fully begin to work however the positive effects of Remeron began coming to the forefront. The side effects have almost totally subsided, only a slight grogginess for 10-15 minutes after I wake up remains as well as the vivid dreams, which isn’t really a bad thing since these days my dreams seem to consist of ‘28 Days Later’ style zombie chases which I quite enjoy and very vivid sexual dreams, which I never had until I about 2 weeks ago. My sleep pattern has returned to normal and my anxiety and suicidal thoughts seem like a distant memory after only 6 weeks on the drug.
My sleep pattern has returned to normal and my anxiety and suicidal thoughts seem like a distant memory after only 6 weeks on the drug.
The only remaining symptom of depression that remains is the lack of energy which can easily be dealt with by drinking a coffee in the morning.

I have also noticed a few strange effects when combined with other drugs and as there is very little on the site detailing Remeron combinations I will try to give as much detail as possible.

Firstly there was the most un-expected combination of caffeine and Remeron. When taking Remeron all stimulants seem to be more effective. About 5 minutes after drinking a coffee I feel a warm glowing feeling spread out from my stomach to my entire upper torso, I start sweating and find myself unable to keep still, constantly drumming my legs or hands or grinding my teeth as well as a heightened sense of things and the ability to do things faster than normal. The effects could be compared to a low to medium level speed buzz and I find them quite enjoyable. (Please note that these effects are definitely not just from the caffeine as before I was prescribed Remeron a coffee would not affect me so noticeably)

Next there was the mixture of weed and Remeron, I was a heavy user up until 2 weeks ago and I would not recommend using weed heavily whilst on Remeron. Whilst the effects of weed are not directly affected I did notice a few things. If I was to smoke a load of weed or smoke a joint after I had taken my nightly dose I would sometimes get a throbbing headache which caused blinding pain when I stood up or moved my head. I also woke up twice after heavy weed use with a nose bleed, which scared me since it had been at least 10 years since my last nose bleed before those two. Due to this I have cut back my usage to the odd j every now and again and never after I take my nightly dose.

Next there was the combination of Alprazolam and Remeron, a friend of mine is quite a heavy pill head and since I was trying to chart the effects of mixing Mirtazipine with other drugs I asked him for a couple of pills to see the effects, all he had on him was Xanax so that was what I tried, unfortunately I don’t remember much of what went on other than that I was totally out of it, I’m not even sure what dosage the Xanax were or how many I took and the entire day is a complete blank to me although apparently I was just acting like a stoned and drunken fool, lucky for me.

Speaking from personal experience I would NOT drink whilst on Remeron, maybe 1-2 beers or the odd glass of wine is fine but heavy alcohol consumption is definitely to be avoided. Just 3 days ago I was out with a few friends in the pub and drank heavily for the 1st time since I was prescribed mirtazipine. Although I was fine for a while I consumed at least 20 units of alcohol and 6+ hours after the first consumption the major symptoms of my depression returned. Although I couldn’t remember anything after 12am apparently I had shouted at my girlfriend, repeatedly banged my head off a wall, attempted to drink bleach and other toxic cleaning products whilst repeatedly stating I was going to “go crazy” and “kill people”. This is a experience I would definitely not want to repeat and I won’t be drinking again until I am off the Remeron.

I don’t think it has any merit a recreational drug as the initial side effects are quite bad and it seems to have some strange effects when mixed with other commonly used drugs.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68135
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 24, 2020Views: 4,850
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Pharms - Mirtazapine (311) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Depression (15), Medical Use (47), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), General (1), Various (28)

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