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Black Hole
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Luke the Ripper. "Black Hole: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp68216)". Oct 7, 2017.

2 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
    repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
I began college this year and thus have ventured into the world of much drug exploration, most of which has been very interesting, and above all quite fun. Having used everything from coke to acid, and much in between, I am beginning to consider myself fairly experienced. Upon returning home from school for the first time for fall break, I came across Nitrous Oxide, a drug for which it had never occurred to me possessed any recreational uses. My best friend had told me he and his brother had been doing it quite a bit, and he promised me that “I would love it”. So being always in search of new and exciting things I figured I’d give it a go without thinking twice.

Next thing I know we were off to a sex shop that apparently sold the cartridges and balloons, and bought a pack of twenty. We drove back to my friend’s house and parked our car in the parking lot outside of his townhouse and each filled our balloons with 2 cartridges each, as I was told that “doubles” were far more intense. So while holding my massive balloon in hand I was instructed to breath in and out of the balloon basically until I either could not any more or until it was gone. After selecting a trippy disco biscuits song from my Ipod we began. I began breathing in and out, and the effects set in almost immediately. I had my eyes closed all the while, because this just seemed to me fitting.

The first thing to happen was very intense auditory hallucinations, as the music we had selected soon began to blur into a bizarre type of “Waw Waw” sound. This sound increased in speed and intensity as I grew farther and farther from reality. Next I began to see strange red lines pulsing inwards forming what looked to me something like a spider. At this point I have absolutely no recollection of who I am, where I am or what is going on, as I am completely detached from my earthly body in a somewhat blacked out stage. The easiest way for me to explain this would be to say I entered some sort of mental Black-Hole, with no concepts of normal reality. I believe eventually the balloon had just flown from my mouth but I am really not quite sure.

The next thing I recall is suddenly regaining conciseness by means of vision, as I opened my eyes everything looked so strange and fake, I was laughing uncontrollably and felt very high. I looked around the car to rediscover my friends, both of whom were also laughing and rocking side to side. This went on for a few more minutes or so until we finally began to be sober and able to discuss the event. It was a very intense, strange and above all different experience than any other drug I have ever tried. However don’t get me wrong it was also very fun. Throughout that day I probably did nitrous 10-15 more time all with similar effects, without ever considering weather this was excessive or not. I have not used it since this day, and am not really seeking it out to try it again, however if I was offered some I would surly try it again. I am fairly unclear about the dangers of this drug; however I never experienced any negative psychological or health problems from using it as far as I can tell.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68216
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 7, 2017Views: 1,493
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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