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Restful and Insightful Herb
Citation:   A. Friend. "Restful and Insightful Herb: An Experience with Catnip (exp68430)". Aug 23, 2018.

  smoked Catnip
Like most catnip enthusiasts, I first heard about recreational (human) catnip use from a website while looking for a new and different drug experience. After using it fairly regularly for several months, I have nothing but positive feelings about this dainty little plant.

It seems that whatever complaints people have about catnip stem from a disappointment at the effects. Catnip is NOT for the thrill seeker. Catnip is for relaxation and deep thoughts. Catnip’s effects are delicate and gentle.

When I smoke this herb (I’ve yet to brew tea, although I plan on it at some point), I use only pure and natural dried catnip, available from any pet store. The taste is light and minty, the smoke smooth.

After smoking, I generally feels a sense of contentment and comfort, as if where I am at the time couldn’t get much better. This feeling is less acute than the similar sensation obtained from cannabis, but in some ways better due to the mild nature of catnip. Just as my body relaxes, my mind follows suit. I find yourself thinking very clearly and easily. The effects last for about an hour, after which point I return back to baseline still feeling content and generally happy, although not euphoric.

Catnip is ideal for relaxing and talking with my friends, unwinding by myself, or enjoying nature on a sunny Sunday afternoon. When mixed with marijuana, it produces a very relaxed high, perfect for a small gathering of friends. Catnip is in no way a party drug, but nothing could be better than settling down with a pipe of the herb at the end of a long day.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68430
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 23, 2018Views: 1,704
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