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Feel Good Inc
Citation:   Endless Test. "Feel Good Inc: An Experience with Tramadol (exp68786)". Feb 17, 2018.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 24:00 100 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
To start as usuall I'll give a little background on me, as experience i've taken and every once in a while use MDMA, Speed, Pot, Popper, Ketamine, and use much more frequently Caffeine, PseudoEphedrine and Alcohol.

What I'll talk about here is my first experience and thoughts on Tramadol.

On a saturday night I danced for 6 hours in a row, nonstop, this left mainly my back and my neck and shoulders in a terrible pain the next days, sunday I didn't move a foot out of my place, but monday I had to go to work, so on my way there, I passed by a pharmacy and got a 20 50mg Tramadol pack. I have already readed about it so I ate something to calm the nause and took 1 50mg pill, to check it.

Approximately an our later I started to notice myself smiling, feeling really happy, and in a way talkative, I started to say a lot of stuff to my coworkers and at the same time started chatting with a lot of friend online. I thought I could be feeling a kind of placebo effect, as from what I supposed such strong effect would need at least a 150mg dose, so I tried to relax and clear my mind, and I realize it wasn't like that and if it was it was the best palcebo ever.

The whole day I was really energetic and talkative, very happy overall. At one point I tried to focus on my back pain, and realized that it was still there, though in the state of mind I was at, I really didn't cared much and didn't thought about it. I usually move a lot and changed of position while seating, this time I could just sit however I wanted and stay like that for as long as I wanted.

I was having a pretty hard time to sleep, that night was the best one for the last weeks.

Next day, as the day before I realized the Pain was still there, I decided to try a 2 50mg pills. Effects where mainly the same, and differences were more negative than positive, though this time yes, pain was unperceptible, I felt much more of a body effect, and more tired at times, focusing a lot on something was kinda hard and got me to close my eyes and yawn a few times, that happeend a lot while trying to focus. Then While walking I felt kinda lighter, only one time I got a strange tinglin in my head filling, were it started to itch for some seconds and then it stopped.

That day again my sleeping was great, I actually slept even more than the night before.

The next day anyways, without taking it, I felt pretty crappy. I felt a mild headache and a lack of energy for the whole day, I was far less talkative (even coworkers told me that) and doubted a couple of times on popping a pill, decided not to, in order not to make it an everyday thing.

Overall rating for me, probably the nicest thing so far and the one most likely for me to take on an everyday basis. It feels at times like an really controllable and very mild MDMA dose. Very enjoyable, but from what I see, with at least a strong psychological addictive potential.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 68786
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 17, 2018Views: 2,996
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : General (1), First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Various (28)

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