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Wah, Wah Without the Pedal
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   K-Nike. "Wah, Wah Without the Pedal: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp69)". Oct 9, 2000.

  repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
It was the second time I used nitrous. I knew a tank was at this party..everyone did. The first time I used nitrous was a month and a half before this party. I was very nervous and I didn't totally inhale fearing the experience it would provide. I have an addictive personality and knew I would probably love it.

My boyfriend and I got a deal for $50 for the both of us, unlimited balloons the whole night. I smoked pot before hand and this intensified the effect so much more. Once I started with the balloons, I could not stop. At a couple points in the night I was found with two balloons at one time. The feeling is compared to the very beginning of a good 'roll.' That is why you crave more. The warm, euphoric, lethargic, sedation felt wants to be repeated over and over and over until you are dragged away. Oddly enough, I had visions of when I was a child. Each time I did nitrous, I had a vision of a baby carriage which was a picture I had in my room of when I was young. Not easy for many people to understand when I tell them. It just set me free, how I felt as a little girl. It felt good to stop for a moment and come back to reality, realizing it might be time to stop...but not being able to. The honest after feeling is just one of sedation and true 'air-headedness.' I found myself calling my mother trying to have a decent conversation to make myself feel normal again the next day.

This was the most I have ever and ever will do. Each time I did this inhalant I had an unexpected problem sleeping. I did not remember falling asleep the night I did it and I had trouble falling asleep the night after. It may have been my mind wondering and worrying if my lost brain cells will ever return? I mean, we use less than 3% of our brains anyway, right....:)

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 69
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 9, 2000Views: 13,148
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : Large Group (10+) (19), Post Trip Problems (8), Addiction & Habituation (10), General (1)

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