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Pretty Rubbery
by CT
Citation:   CT. "Pretty Rubbery: An Experience with Methocarbamol (exp69070)". Mar 6, 2009.

3000 mg oral Methocarbamol (pill / tablet)
So, I went into my family's medicine cabinet to look for something to trip on, and I saw an almost full (23 of 28 tablets) bottle of Robaxin, or Methocarbanol, 750mg tablets. My sister got them a few weeks back from getting into a car accident, and she never took them, so i decided I'd try them.

I looked on some other sites and they said that two made them feel slightly off, so I decided, since I wanted a pretty good experience, I'd try four.

The pills break down pretty quickly in my mouth, so I swallowed them quickly to avoid an awful pill taste. The effects took about 30 minutes to kick in, I'd say. I didn't feel much different than normal at first, then I paid attention to how my legs felt, and realized they felt pretty rubbery. I tried to stand up and lost my balance pretty easily. everything seemed to go pretty quick and i was quite clumsy. The effects hit hard for about an hour, then seemed to calm down after the peak. They stayed with me for a good while, just not near as much as when they first hit.

I've taken dosages of 8 tablets in a matter of hours and it was just as effective, just lasted longer.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 69070
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 6, 2009Views: 52,672
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Methocarbamol (450) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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