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Viewing Myself and My Life Very Objectively
Citation:   psquare. "Viewing Myself and My Life Very Objectively: An Experience with Ketamine (exp69237)". Mar 1, 2018.

3 lines insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
First Timer K-Holes

I'd been interested in ketamine for a while, and recently procured ~100 mg of powdered ketamine from a good friend of mine. I didn't measure it myself, but I trust his measurements and could tell it was at least 100 mg. I'm not sure if it was freebase or HCl but I'm betting it was the HCl. I will mention that I weigh ~120 lb.s. Anyway, on to the trip.


I had just come home from a long (stoned) weekend, and had the K sitting in my room. I was planning on waiting till next weekend, but the temptation was too strong. To give you a little background, I first smoked salvia about two years ago, and started taking mushrooms, lsd, mdma, DXM, RC's, etc. during the last 9 months. However, my last real trip (I won't count 100 mg of molly as a trip) was 2 months ago on 2C-B. I have been on sort of a break from psychedelics to give myself time to recover after a period of frequent use.


I waited until everyone else in my house went to sleep, put some music on (Arcade Fire EP, Funeral, and Neon Bible,) and pulled out my stash. I realized I didn't have any straws or money, so I improvised and found a post-it note to insufflate through. I racked the K into 3 fair sized lines and did it all very quickly in about 30 seconds. I forgot to check the time of ingestion for reference, but looked back at my phone records afterward and deduced that I took it at 12:05 AM. Immediately after insufflation, I got into my bed and called my good friend 'A' because he was curious as to the effects and he wanted me to give him a report as I went under.


I should mention that my plan for this trip was to go into a 'K-Hole.' As I started to feel the effects, within 5 minutes of insufflation, I told A I couldn't talk anymore and we ended our conversation. The initial effects were very similar to a nitrous oxide high, as I began to feel warm and fuzzy all over and fairly numb. Then, after a few minutes, I began to feel much more intense effects. At this stage, I would compare the effects greatly to those of DXM. I felt it difficult to move, and I am very glad I was laying down in my bed. I feel that this comfort allowed me some escape from the effects. At one point, early on, I sat up to see how strong it was, and felt the robotic feel of dissociated movement.


For me, the come-up of the effects came in waves of increasing intensity. I would think that I was as far gone as I was going to get, and then it would escalate to a whole new level. Eventually, I became so detached that, even with my eyes open, it did not seem as if I was in my room. A square of light on my ceiling appeared as an octagon, and I could not really follow the music or even name what track I was listening to. It felt incredibly strange to move. As I rolled from laying on my back to my stomach, it felt as if the whole world twisted up like a piece of cloth and flipped. There were also notable distortions in my depth perception. One notable effect was the time dilation both ways. Another notable effect was that if I thought about my breathing, I had to do it manually rather than automatically. This caused mild panic at some points, because I really didn't feel like dying at that point. Once I switched my focus to another subject, however, my breathing was just fine.


Now, for the mental effects. The mental effects, for me, were very similar to both DXM and mushrooms. It was mostly in a similar style to DXM, but generally related to mushrooms because of the ego death. I thought about a lot of things in the K-hole, as it allowed me to view myself and my life very objectively. I feel that this substance has strong potential in terms of self-improvement/development, if used responsibly. I experienced complete ego death like I have before many times on mushrooms and lsd. Being in a very safe and comfortable place was very reassuring to me and helped me make the most of the experience.


Once I came out of the k-hole and could function to some degree, I had to use the toilet, so I staggered to the bathroom. It again reminded me very much of DXM. I got back in bed and tried to make a phone call. It went to voicemail and the pitch of the voice was dropped about an octave, reminiscent of 'chopped and screwed' vocals. After about 30 minutes I started feeling nauseous and could not focus on my phone while trying to text message without getting motion sickness. This was not very strong, however, and didn't bother me at all, I just went to sleep.


This morning I had virtually no after-effects whatsoever. I would like to experiment at some point with sub-'hole' doses of K, but am not especially eager to go into the k-hole again soon. I enjoyed the experience greatly, however, and I am very glad it happened. I will definitely k-hole again someday.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 69237
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 1, 2018Views: 1,128
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