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Catapulted into Oblivion
Citation:   Pjohnst. "Catapulted into Oblivion: An Experience with DOB (exp69245)". Oct 8, 2010.

6 hits oral DOB (blotter / tab)
[Erowid Note: A substance(s) in this report might be identified incorrectly. Erowid reviewers question the author's identification of the drug described. Although the report is included in the collection, the substance might be something other than the author believed it to be.]

The following reaccounts 52 consecutive hours of my life while experiencing the toxic effects of the substance DOB. I was working at a ski resort at the time in Colorado and smoking cannabis on a heavily regular basis, and also doing cocaine when it was available. Some 'acid' had drove into town from a friend's brother from Wisconsin, 5 bucks a pop, youll love it I was told. Found it to be DOB on a site showing the blotters we took.

I bought 6 over the next 24 hours, and ate 6 over the next 24 hours. I took 3 initially over the first 3 hours because i wasnt feeling the effects of the 'acid'. All the sudden, the posters on the wall were moving together in a sort of vague blurring over each other moving in a circular motion. I walked thru the snow to my other buddies pad in the employee housing complex. B gave me a York peppermint paddy, and at this point I was gripping the couch from the digital aspects of the music rocketing thru the air and piercing my eardrums. I ate it with a little hesitance, and all the sudden, as I was swallowing the pepperming paddy, I closed my eyes and saw the peppermint rain down and I could taste the peppermint in my stomach, then it proceeded to fill my legs, and I could now taste peppermint and chocolate in my legs.

After convincing my then 'lizard' friend who was moaning like a dying walrus (whatever that actually sounds like) on his bed, we suited up in snow gear and walked 40 yards or so behind his apartment in 4-5 feet of snow. We star gazed, I was talking to God out loud while watching the stars play connect the dots. My lift-op buddy was swearing he saw a lizard off in the distance in the snow.

At this point, it has been around 18 hours into the trip. I lie down in my bed above my sleeping roommate, and start talking to him at 3 in the morning telling him I was on acid and what I was experiencing in each fragmented moment. I left my body and all the sudden was in the presence of V shaped headed aliens. Everything was very digitalized and in sync with each other. I remember calling the 'acid' poppers, because everything was popping around me in a somehow very hip and cool way.

After the trip, I decided I had been doing too many drugs in Colorado and I was to move back to southern california, my home. My life temporarily changed, I was smoking barely any cannabis at all, I ended up moving to Oregon which was a good choice on my behalf. BE CAREFUL, and dont take too much people.

There were many other details to this sroty.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 69245
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 8, 2010Views: 1,669
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DOB (19) : General (1), Various (28)

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