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Musical Bliss
Citation:   Olisp. "Musical Bliss: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp69473)". Aug 5, 2018.

10 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
It was nice weather for the season. Minnesota had been bitterly cold for a while and the temp had raised to 30 degrees and it was feeling great. My friend we will call 'Dan' came over to hang out. I had some left over generic Percocet (Endocet) 5 mg and we decided to take them. We each dosed ourselves with two pills. Dan tried to chew it up while washing it down with water, but it apparently tasted horrible and didn't intensify the onset at all. We then decided to walk a little over a mile to some stores (mostly retail) and buy some drinks and some food. We left the house and walked across the street to pick up our friend Mike. We didn't tell him that we toke pills because it has always taken more to dose him and I didn't have enough for him (this proves wrong later). We head on our way just talking about nothing to the store. After like fifteen minutes we arrive. We walk into the doors of Target and walk to the magazine rack. Just as I enter the aisle it hits me hard. I get lightheaded and that unmistakable feeling that EVERYTHING is perfect at this time. I nudge Dan and asked him quietly if he is feeling it. He says he is, giggling like a school girl.

When we were done in Target, we walked out and over to the grocery store next door. By now Dan and I are having some interesting conversations, about insane things. We stole a Naked Smoothie for some reason and it tasted wonderful. Then we walked down to a discount clothing store in the strip mall. By now Mike finds out that we left him out and was a little pissed. But thats okay because nothing can bring me down from this feeling of contentedness. When we enter the store and look at the young mens clothing racks. We start discussing how much our taste in clothing has changed over the years and laugh that we used to dress really 'gangsta' and now we look totally different. All our conversations must have sounded really weird to the sober ear. We talk about what the greatest color combinations are on shirts, and why tight pants are actually cool now. Stuff we never really discuss. We leave without making a purchase.

Now we are walking across the road to a Super America do buy drinks. I get an energy drink and it tasted incredible somehow. My mother calls and says she is coming to pick me up, I don't panic because this stuff is easy to act chill on. We just sit on a wood ledge and wait. She finally arrives and I was able to act completely sober while holding a conversation with my mother. The drive was fun, watching things fly by me. We arrived home and she dropped us off. We walked right down into my basement, its carpeted and furnished and all that. I turn on some music, as I've only been on this stuff at school before and never got to enjoy music. I closed my eyes as that bass and rhythm flowed through my body pulsing. I could feel the music, I was totally in heaven. Mike was over on another computer near mine (which i'm playing music from) and is looking pissy because Dan and I are having a wonderful time. I lay down on the floor near the sub woofer. The previous feeling intensifies three fold. The world is perfect, my relationship problems seem like they will work themselves out. I nod my head to the music as I feel orgasmic bliss. Eyes closed I somehow didn't fall asleep, but I felt just as relaxed. I tell Dan to move his chair, which is sitting behind me, and lay down with me. He does and starts laughing heartily along with me. We did this for an hour about. Then I got up and turned out all of the lights. And continued laying on the ground. Now it was even better, the music came like waves on my feet at a beach. My carpet is the sand. I run my hands through my hair, noting how it feels SO incredible. Mike opens his phone which caused an unexpected bright light, I jolted up startled. But it was all good because switching positions, I found, intensified everything. I rub my carpet with my palms, I was having the time of my life.

Finally I offer Mike some pills asking him if he felt left out. So I gave him three of the Endocet, and the last one of the bottle I took. We went downstairs and continue our musical bliss party. After fifteen minutes I finally get a feel for what music sounds great, I loved the bands Minus the Bear, and Incubus. Because they are so chill and the tempo and pitch changes frequently, which I love on this drug, I can feel it. I switch to a sitting up posisition when the third pill I took kicks in, nothing much different, just much more intoxicating. I sit in that cliche 'meditating' position, and it made me start nodding in and out of consciousness. It was amazing. Every time I switched my position I felt stunningly well. Then Mike's kick in and he collapses on the floor next to Dan and I, but Dan is coming down now. I go upstairs to put on some lounge pants, this enhances the relaxation! After just laughing and enjoying every beat of the music, we start talking about ridiculous topics, but in a 'deep' manner. Like Mike said:

'Dude, I am realizing that Nintendo is so colorful!'
We start discussing how 'Nintendo's success depends solely on the saturation of their gaming spectrum.' That made me laugh so hard.

Then my cat strolled over to us sprawled out on my carpet. It rolled onto it's side, and we felt so in touch with it. We rubbed its belly and it purred, normally it doesn't like that. We concluded that cats normally consciousness is like being on opiates and now that we can relate to us, it is much more comfortable with us. We are saddened when it leaves on its feline journeys. Mike took a swig of his vitamin water and says he can taste it all the way down to his belly. I take gulp of energy drink slowly and he was right! This was really cool, like I could taste it down my throat and in my belly.

My parents then came home, so I turned down the music and turned on the lights. And of course got the fuck off the floor! The Mike tells me, 'Dude, I've been audio recording our dumb ass conversations for over 41 minutes!'. That was interesting! Well after a while of chilling on my futon Mike and Dan go home. I needed to work in the morning to so I went upstairs, told my parents good night, and went to lay in bed. As soon as I laid down and turned off the lights, everything perfect? Doesn't make much sense but that's what it was like. I drifted off to sleep in perfect relaxation.

The next morning, getting out of bed was very difficult. I felt some what depressed and half-doped all day, my speech was still slurred at times, and my fingers tickled and coordination was off, I didn't expect that at all. As wonderful as an experience this was, I probably won't do it again for a while, mostly because I want to, and I know how addictive this shit is.


Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 69473
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 5, 2018Views: 1,505
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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