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Kava Mmmmmm
Citation:   mookie. "Kava Mmmmmm: An Experience with Kava (exp6963)". Jun 3, 2002.

0.25 cups oral Kava (tea)
Just in case anyone was considering investing in some Kava and is looking for some opinions, here goes. Don't go to the health food store. Its a rip off for low quality stuff (I've tried it). Its not cool to eat a whole bottle of pills to relax. Yesterday I recieved a 1/2 lb of 'awa' grade Kava from [a respected online vendor] and did the instant blender method with a little olive oil. First off this stuff doesn't taste nearly as bad as people say. In fact it was pretty good in a earthy health drink type of way. I think by compiling some recipes using coconut extract and things like that, and experimenting a little, some really good drinks could be made. Any way the flavor probably depends on the type of root...but the kind I got tasted good.

I drank down the concotion over about ten minutes. I was impressed how numb it made my throat! Reminded me of other things I used to do back in my day....mmmmm. (I thought people were exagerating about that part.) I read that this keeps people from over indulging...funny it may cause me to over indulge, becuase the numbness doesn't last too long and it feels cool.

The effects came on in about 30 minutes. Mild euphoria and pretty strong muscle relaxation. Almost as strong as a low dose of some perscription muscle relaxers. As time went on it got more intense until I noticed some slight muscle incoordination. Watching T.V. was nice. I also noticed I was drowsy enough that I didn't even feel the need to smoke any special headache herb, if you know what I mean, though in the future I will. I slept excellent, I might use this in place of my usuall melatonin for a change every once in a while.

All in all this is nice stuff. A little pricey, so not too much bang for the buck, but enjoyable and most definitely very useful. I happen to be a pretty bad alcoholic. I drank another big glass this morning, and it was just enough to get rid of some of that early morning beer craving that I so frequently give in to, which eventually leads to a ruined/wasted day. I really think this might help me kick the habit, not by being an every day substitute, just to get me through a time when I think im going to slip and have a drink (from nervousness, anxiety, and that irritable icky feeling that comes and goes), but i'm not a doctor, so thats not advice.

I'll definitly buy more, maybe a different variety, but same company. It's good to have around, especially at the end of late trippy nights. I think it would be great to drink a potent coconut full of this stuff on the beach at night and sit and listen to the waves. This stuff is definitely not a placebo, and I do recommend it. I just make sure I buy it from a reputable source.


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6963
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 3, 2002Views: 35,246
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