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Screaming/Laughing Children
Citation:   Emily. "Screaming/Laughing Children: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp69733)". Mar 12, 2008.

1 Tbsp oral Nutmeg (capsule)
My boyfriend and I tried nutmeg for the first time last weekend. He loved it, but I just felt weird, then nauseous. I would try it again though because my dose was no where near exact, and I took it on an empty stomach.

I found that the best way to take nutmeg was in a capsule. I bought the 00 size (which are a little bigger than 0) and I got almost exactly 1 tbsp into 7 capsules. We took them around 11-noonish, and the noticeable effects began around dinner time. Next time I try it I'll take them right before bed (on a full stomach).

I mostly felt spacey, but as the night went on I had some audio hallucinations. The worst one was listening to Radiohead and hearing children screaming/laughing in the background (which I checked the next day and it was not in the song), and my boyfriend and I both heard it. I got creeped out and had a hard time going to sleep.

The next day I had a mild stomach ache which was easily cured with some Peptobismol. My high was gone by morning, but I still felt mellow. My boyfriend said he felt really good/euphoric for the whole next day, and that night got a small stomach ache.

I'm hesitant to try it again, but I will. My boyfriend said he would definitely do it again and take 2-1.5 tbsp (he's 140lbs).

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 69733
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2008Views: 1,530
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