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Remembering to Forget to Remember
Oxycodone, Clonazepam & Cyclobenzaprine
Citation:   Resto_Druid. "Remembering to Forget to Remember: An Experience with Oxycodone, Clonazepam & Cyclobenzaprine (exp69810)". Jul 31, 2018.

1 tablet oral Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine (pill / tablet)
  1 mg insufflated Pharms - Clonazepam (ground / crushed)
  80 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Please note: I am not a first timer, I have been doing this for a while; the doses I am using are higher than when I started out.

With that out of the way, I swallow the Flexeril whole first since it hurts to snort and now I am currently crushing/powdering an 80mg tab of Oxycontin along with a 1mg tab of Klonopin. And when I say 'powder', I mean, I crush/smash/chop this stuff until it's mixed well and is a verrrry fine powder. Now: time for insufflation (snorting.)

My first line is generally the biggest I'll be taking as it's when my nose is clearest and I want the effects to be very tangible when they start. So I draw out about 1/8 of the pile into a line and grab my trusty short-straw (Starbucks straws are perfect because they're so wide), cover one nostril and take in the line quickly and smoothly.

I sit back for a moment just to enjoy that initial head-rush, then go back to drawing out another, slightly smaller line. This time I cover the other nostril (I switch back and forth every line) and take this line in too. Now I pack a bowl for my bong and take it all, holding it in for as long as possible.

Not feeling much yet, I ready my third line and put on good music playlist before taking said line. Now I can taste the post-nasal drip, which is very bitter and can be ignored by drinking some soda or juice (I never mix alcohal with Oxy, had a bad experience), but I've learned to love the bitterness anyway.

Sitting up from taking my fourth line, I begin to feel the first tangible effects. A strong, yet soothing warmth starts near the back of my head and begins creeping through my body. I sit back and as I listen to my music it feels as though my whole body is throbbing to the beat of the song. I shake my head, enjoying that loosey-goosey feeling, and about 15 mins. after my first, I take my fifth line and two more bowls of weed.

(To save time, I'm going to skip ahead in time a little bit: now I've got one line left about the same size as my first and have smoked about 6 bowls total up to this point.)

The feeling I am experiencing now can only be described by one word: euphoria. I'm still fully conscious and aware of my environment, but in my mind, nothing bad could ever happen right now. I catch myself wondering how I could ever have worried about anything before this.

I finish off my last line and smoke a few more bowls in utter happiness. I spend my 'high time' playing Rock Band (PS3 video game), fucking around on the computer, and smoking plenty of weed + cigarettes. In about 3-4 hours I'll pass out and sleep for a good 12-14 hours and wake up feeling very refreshed and hardly remembering what had taken place the night before.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 69810
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 31, 2018Views: 5,592
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125), Oxycodone (176), Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine (267) : General (1), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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