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Complete Contentness
Citation:   Nikki. "Complete Contentness: An Experience with Mescaline (exp69840)". Jan 13, 2022.

1 capsl oral Mescaline
My friend and I had no idea we would be doing the drug until merely an hour before we went to get it. We had made no plans, no preparations, we had no idea where we would even do it at until we took the blue and white capsule. I only took one and I'm not even sure how many milligrams there were in it. Mescaline was a pure meditative state, with the exception of ecstatically blowing up and random spurts of deep laughter. I saw the Sun in my eyes, I felt at one with nature. In fact, I swore I would never even wear shoes again. It was a very personal experience extreamly hard for me to even begin to describe. You become so lost in your mind you forget you're indeed 'tripping'. I would talk and talk and talk all these wonderfully philosophical thoughts then I remembered the drug aspect of it.

When I first noticed the psychedelia of the drug was when I began to see trails, 10 fingers on one hand, my surroundings breathing with me. I went to the bath room and all the walls were moving. My friend and I would become hot and cold, we'd want to be completely under the blanket, making sure nothing was exposed then we'd throw the blanket off of us because we didn't want to be trapped. I remember her saying 'My head just kicked. Like a baby. My brain is a baby and my head is only a womb.' I missed the love of my life dearly throughout the entire thing and felt like he should of been with me also. All I wanted to do was look into his ocean eyes and feel the breeze. I longed to touch him but knew I couldn't. We listened to Beck the entire time. We couldn't change it because we were sure he knew how we felt. It was as if he was with us. We also felt at one with Jim Morrison seeing that my friend had a beautiful portrait of him right above her bed. There was a tapestry on her ceiling of frogs and lizards. They moved the entire time. They were alive. I saw the energy flow from person to person. I'd hold my hands up and just see energy radiate through one another.

Hours passed and my friend started to think she was coming down. I knew I wasn't. We decided to go on a walk down to our other friends house. While we were walking down his very long driveway I stopped. I fell to the ground and felt like I was holding up the Earth. We layed face first in the dirt for about 10 minutes unable, unwilling, unwanting to move. Finally when I looked straight his entire drive way was warping. Trees were bending, the path twisting, I was reminded that I was on a psychedelic drug. That was about 12 o'clock. We had taken the drug at 7. After that, I felt it until I fell asleep. I fell asleep on purpose. It was 3 in the morning. I needed rest, that was the ideal time.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 69840
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2022Views: 692
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Mescaline (36) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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