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Is It Worth It? Yes
Poppy Seed Tea
Citation:   Michael. "Is It Worth It? Yes: An Experience with Poppy Seed Tea (exp69987)". Jun 3, 2016.

  oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
I figure I might as well write a report, because I've done this a few times.

I take the seeds, and dump them into a pitcher. I add some acidic stuff, either lemon juice, or... Whatever. I go to the tub and get the hot water going. I fill up the pitcher with the hot water. I try to use as little water as possible because I don't want to drink a lot, just enough to be able to stir it. It still ends up being a lot of water. Anyway... I stir it for about 20 minutes or so. Then, I either use the lid of the pitcher as a filter, or, what I used today, a cheesecloth, and filter it into a container. Then, I drink it all as fast as I can. The taste is bad, but I think sometimes people make it seem worse than it really is. I can drink it without gagging... It's bearable, IMO. Now, kava kava, THAT is WAYYY nastier to drink.

The high is not something to take lightly! It's mostly codeine and morphine, and those are opioids not to be taken lightly, especially morphine. It lasts a few many hours... And it's a good opiate buzz. I feel totally content and at peace. Totally relaxed.. Nothing could bring me the blues, its just impossible. And towards the end of it, I sleep like a baby (if I have the time). When I lay down in bed, it's the best feeling ever. I feel so GOOD laying in bed.

Problems are I do get a substantial 'opiate itch,' but the high totally overpowers it. And when I piss, I think it fucks that up as well. Its hard to get a stream going, and once it's going, it's pretty weak and shit. Tolerance builds up quickly, and withdrawal makes me easily irritated and uncomfortable. Which is why this is a thing best done in moderation.

[Reported Dose: '900 grams poppy seeds']

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 69987
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 3, 2016Views: 12,540
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Poppies - Opium (43) : Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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