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Painkillers & Joybringers
Hydrocodone & Tramadol
Citation:   Cherry. "Painkillers & Joybringers: An Experience with Hydrocodone & Tramadol (exp70007)". Sep 23, 2020.

1 tablet oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: A substance(s) in this report might be identified incorrectly. Erowid reviewers question the author's identification of the drug described. Although the report is included in the collection, the substance might be something other than the author believed it to be.]
I must say, I truly enjoy opiates. I love them so much I don't even bother to try anything else. Since I love reading experiences with drugs so much, I decided I might as well write my own, for others out there who're like me. >:)

So a few months ago I found some pills in a drawer. A huge blue bottle with the label on it read 'hydrocodone', and a small orange bottle read 'tramadol'. Hydrocodone = Vicodin. I knew they were both hardcore painkillers, and at the time I was an emotional mess. So I popped 1 hydro the next day, in my 2nd period class.

After about 20 minutes I wasn't feeling much of anything...maybe a little more goofy was all. If you happen to be like me and pretty tolerant to stuff already, than taking the dose I took will probably work.

So I took 1 tramadol to add to the hydro, in hopes it would do something for me. And it sure did. Around 5 minutes after I took the tramadol I was laughing a lot, feeling free and careless, and loosening up a lot. I felt euphoric. I felt joyous.

Before lunchtime came I took another tramadol, to extend the effects of the pills. And all of lunchtime I was having fun being myself. I felt apathetic, a bit sedated, and happy. And the great part is knowing the feelings lasted for hours! I was like that for 6-7 hours, no joke.

Tramadol is an amazing drug. For me it works better than hydrocodone (aka. Vicodin). But what else I noticed is that tramadol works faster then hydro for me as well. Tramadol tends to kick in within 10 minutes, and hydro takes around 20 minutes to finally settle in. Both cause the same feelings though. Very paradisey.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 70007
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 23, 2020Views: 1,596
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Hydrocodone (111), Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), School (35)

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