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Ruined It
Cannabis, Amphetamines (Adderall) & Sleep Deprivation
Citation:   MaryJaneGangsta. "Ruined It: An Experience with Cannabis, Amphetamines (Adderall) & Sleep Deprivation (exp70190)". May 24, 2008.

90 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
  4 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
About 3 nights before I smoked the blunt with my boys I had taken 3 30mg capsules of Adderall XR (Extended Release). I was speeding balls and ended up staying up all day for 3 nights. On the day I smoked the blunt I was trippin, most likely because of lack of sleep. But anyways I took about 4 hits of the blunt when, WHAM, it hit me so suddenly. I thought I was having a heart attack. My chest killed me and it had a tingling feeling. I couldn't stop shaking and I felt as if I was a lonely soul in the world. I tried talking to my bros but they didn’t answer probably cause I was mumbling. That night I was still feeling the effects.

For the next week I got very little (5-10 hrs) of sleep. Then finally I ended up trying to smoke another bowl I took two hits and it was as worse as it was the first time last week. Eventually (2-3 weeks) the effects wore off. But ever since my weed smoking experience has never been the same. Every time I smoke now I get the same feeling as I did when I was speeding. I fear it has ruined marijuana smoking forever.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 70190
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 24, 2008Views: 12,422
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Sleep Deprivation (140), Cannabis (1), Amphetamines (6) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Post Trip Problems (8), Bad Trips (6), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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