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Bad Anxiety
Citation:   Jimbo. "Bad Anxiety: An Experience with Modafinil (exp70325)". Feb 11, 2016.

200 mg oral Modafinil
I decided to try Modafinil as I normally feel tired during the day and tend to use caffeine or ephedrine to wake me up, but feel they tend to be a bit harsh so I was looking for something a bit more tactful.

I never really knew what anxiety was, I suppose because if I was worried I had always been able to justify it. The first time I took modafinil it was one 200mg tablet when I was feeling tired. The onset was slow but very subtle and it is not at all obvious that you feel awake artificially. I felt alert and normal for a good few hours but then the anxiety kicked in, almost as subtle as the wakefulness. It was very obvious that something wasn't right because I felt almost scared. I was at work and the feeling was like I had done something wrong and was expecting retribution/reprisals. For example, there's this old women at work who is as nice as pie, she wouldn't hurt anyone but when she got up from her desk to get something and had to walk behind me, I thought she was gonna hit me! It was very obvious then that something wasn't right. The modafinil gave me a constant feeling of worry until I woke up the next day.

A few days later I tried 400mg. I got the same feeling of wakefulness, but sure enough a few hours later, the anxiety reared its ugly head and I did not like it. I wanted out but had to put up with it.

There's still most of the modafinil left and I doubt I will be taking it again. The feeling it gave me was not nice and I don't really want to experience it again.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70325
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 11, 2016Views: 4,096
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