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Heaven then Hell
GHB & Amphetamines
Citation:   dumber. "Heaven then Hell: An Experience with GHB & Amphetamines (exp70377)". Apr 21, 2008.

1 line insufflated Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
    repeated oral GHB  
  1 line insufflated Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
    repeated oral GHB  
Well I was on GHB for like 3 weeks and becoming an addict, then I took a line of amphetamines after waking up from the rebound effect GHB has, and I kinda found out then upon taking a cup of GHB it got me quite higher, and somewhere lost track and just repeated dosing GHB. Took another small line when the effect of the amphetamines were wearing off fully, now I really did it, I知 in a stupor-like state that I think I知 gonna do this then freeze for an unknown amount of time then think again I知 gonna do that before finaly doing the thing I was gonna do, all whilst redosing GHB. So now the effect of amphetamines is really wearing off but I continue taking GHB because when I stop that I知 goin really really crazy, I think I almost got a stroke my heart was racing out of control for like 24 hours. So I just had to continue taking GHB to remain at least a little calm and not have amphetamine madness + GHB withdrawal madness. During all this I was totally gone for some moments, and really got me thinking and all, what am I doing to my family and myself.

I stopped taking GHB now, had a talk with doctor etc, and luckily got access to some vals to keep me in check. GHB dopamine production pumping and amphetamines constantly releasing them overriding GHB dopa inhibitory effect, can make me lose it is my guess. I知 always very careful with drugs but this was madness.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70377
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 21, 2008Views: 5,848
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Amphetamines (6), GHB (25) : Health Problems (27), Addiction & Habituation (10), Overdose (29), Post Trip Problems (8), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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