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Better than Booze
Kava Kava & Nutmeg
by Don
Citation:   Don. "Better than Booze: An Experience with Kava Kava & Nutmeg (exp7048)". Jul 14, 2002.

  oral Kava (tea)
  3 tsp oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
I have been reading about legal/natural highs for a few years on the net but when I actually have a few days to experiment I usually don't think about it. Today I saw some Kava tea bags at my sister's place and since I had no plans till the next week I decided to try some.

9:30 PM
The tea says '25 mg per bag' so I decided to rip open 4 of them and dump them directly in the water rather then steep them to make sure I get all of the Kava, I figure 100 mg is as good place as any to start. So I drink down the whole mixture not leaving any grains in the bottom of the cup, really overpoweringly nasty.

9:40 PM
I sit on the couch and start watching TV, I don't feel anything at first but soon I get a mild buzz and feel a little 'off', I notice the TV show is much easier to laugh at then usual. I started to think this might just be a placebo effect but going out to smoke I felt slightly wobbly, and I got a HUGE buzz off of the cigarette which isn't normal for me.

I go back in and my sister asks me why I was smiling so wide, I hadn't even noticed I've had a huge grin for the last few minutes.

10:40 PM
The buzz remains, it feels like coming off of weed or having a weak hit, but with happiness mixed in, very mellow and not bothered by anything, I had been having a boring day but I find I am totally satisfied with watching TV at this point.

11:20 PM
I have also wanted to try Nutmeg and I figure, what the hell, I have a whole week to sleep off any ill effects so why not? I dig through the pantry and find ground Nutmeg that hasn't ever been opened, I have no idea if this is the right form of nutmeg to get a buzz off of but I figure I will try it.

I have one tsp of it and, holy shit, the stories about the taste are true, go dump an ashtray in your mouth and now you know what nutmeg tastes like.

12:20 AM
No effects from the Nutmeg yet, I still feel odd from the Kava though, but it isn't really intense, I decide to drink 4 more bags to enhance the effects, also to try more nutmeg, I take 2 more tsp and wash it down with the Kava, I almost puke the whole disgusting mixture back up.

Decide to go play some Half-life on the net.

12:45 AM
Now THIS I like, not only do I feel great but my game playing skills aren't affected at all.

Also, music sounds better then normal, not in the 'I want to sing every song I hear' way I can get on weed but definitely boosted appreciation, I flip through a bunch of Autechre, Moby, Plaid, Nine Inch Nails, and Aphex Twin every song sounds cooler.

That second cup is having an effect, slightly more buzzed , feel slightly drunk but still clear headed, I wish I was at a party, I would be having a blast.

1:00 AM
Checking my email and all of the sudden I start to get a headache. Damn.

Not unbearable but it is bringing me down a little, I think it is the Nutmeg since almost every Nutmeg trip I have read about involves a headache, wish it was actually making me feel something else. [Erowid Note: Kava is also associated with headaches upon come-down.]

Thinking about drinking some alcohol but I am worried it will kill the euphoria.

2:00 AM
Decide to see how much of a buzz I can get, use 5 more teabags in a cup, drink it as fast as possible only stopping to breath.

Don't really notice any effect, I am pretty exhausted at this point, and my headache has gotten worse. I sit down on the couch and start watching some murder mystery and trying to notice any new effects.

10:00 AM
Wake up on the couch, go to my room to sleep on my bed.

2:45 PM
Wake up, no headache and no ill effects, actually I feel great, slept a long time though.

All in all this was a great experience. Not as good as weed but better then booze by a long shot.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7048
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2002Views: 27,696
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Kava (30), Nutmeg (41) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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