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Heart Exploding
Nitrous Oxide
by jb
Citation:   jb. "Heart Exploding: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp70689)". Oct 13, 2017.

  inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
    IV Unknown  
I was scheduled to get my wisdom teeth taken out this month and I was quite excited. I am a regular marijuana user and I have experimented with morning glory seeds.

I never get nervous before anything, so while I was sitting alone in the room where I was to have my teeth removed I decided that I would experiment a little with the nitrous oxide they were going to be giving me. So when the technician came in and asked me if I would like some laughing gas I cheerfully said 'yes please'. For the first 30 seconds I breathed normally through the nose mask (not noticing any effects) then after the 30 seconds I began to inhale very deeply and hold it in for about 5 seconds then exhale. I did this for what seemed like 10 minutes. After the second repetition I was noticing some visual distortion (spectrum of colors around lights, really blurry).

Another lady came in during that time and asked me to move my arm off the arm rest and pump my fist so she could put in the IV. I had a very hard time lifting my arm, I think she noticed and moved it for me. I didnt have a hard time pumping my fist but I remember that I kept doing it about 10 after she told me I could stop. When she inserted the needle I felt very little pain but as soon as it was all the way in it felt as if lightning was shooting up my arm.

My heart was beating very fast at about that time, so I decided I would listen to the heart monitor but I had a hard time locating the sound because the 2 ladies were talking, but once I found it it was beeping at what seemed like a normal heart rate that I would have if I was just sitting in a chair watching tv. I started to get a little concerned then and my heart beat kept getting fast and faster and I was really out of it by then. My eyes were wandering all over the place and my head was moving in the opposite direction. I really thought my heart was going to explode, it just kept getting faster and faster. And right when it reached a point that when I knew I was going to die, I passed out. Either by something the nurse gave me in my IV that I never saw or I just went unconscious.

That is the last thing I remember until I woke up in a chair in my house with an ice pack wrapped around my head. I then took 3 hydrocodones that were sitting next to me and fell asleep again.

My overall experience with laughing gas was very enjoyable but horrifying nonetheless.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70689
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 13, 2017Views: 1,331
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : Medical Use (47), Hospital (36)

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