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Drifting Dream
Amanitas - A. muscaria
Citation:   roger. "Drifting Dream: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria (exp70734)". Jun 19, 2018.

5 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (tea)
Made a tea out of 1/8 and a spare gram or so. So about 4-6 grams (closer to 5 I think). Told myself I was also going to eat the mushrooms with the tea. This didn't happen. So the recipe I used was.

5-ish grams of mushrooms
2 bags of orange spice Lipton tea
Lots of sugar (4 tbl spoons)
And about two mugs of water

Boiled the water then put the stove on the lowest setting (to keep water relatively warm) and threw in my hand crumbled mushrooms. In hindsight I wish I had a coffee grinder or something better than my hands. Drank the tea and tried eating the mushrooms. I felt like the consuming of the mushrooms were making me feel sick so I stopped after eating about a gram worth. The tea tasted fine, hell I didn't really notice any real difference between the taste of making tea without the mushrooms. Sipped my mug for about 30 minutes to finish it all. Then we went on a cruise to get to this mountain. I was feeling like I had smoked a blunt but was very alert.

This is where I started feeling nauseous. It was something about the car. Whether it was mental or the motion. I didn't like the car.
I started feeling nauseous. It was something about the car. Whether it was mental or the motion. I didn't like the car.
We made a couple stops before we got the mountain because I felt horrible but was determined I would not throw up. But as soon as I got out of the car I felt fine. Burped a couple times and got back in the car. We got the the mountain. Burped some more. Then the mushrooms kicked into full effect. I remember peeing in a bush somewhere.

I layed on a rock. Realized that it had only been 30 minutes since I drank the tea. It felt like hours. I lost all sense of short term memory. So the rest of this is in pieces. We get back into the car and all decide food was in order. Since I fasted for this I was incredibly hungry. Went to a restaurant.

Ordering food was hilariously awesome. I looked at what I wanted then walked over to the lady (5 ft max) and forgot what I wanted. Walked back to the food and just yelled what I wanted. When she gave me the amount of the order I busted out in laughter. some little kid walked in and decided I should keep to myself. I kept whispering to my friends about things. Don't remember what. This is where I really start forgetting things.

We get back in the car. I'm pretty sure it was still light out. But then I was in a liquor store and on my cell phone with someone that wanted these shrooms it was pitch black out. We drop off someone and realize someone threw out a blunt at the gas station. We rush back and I go to investigate. The blunt was found in a cigarette pack in a mcdonalds bag when did we go to mcdonalds I wonder.

I'm back at my friends house and start playing on the internet with my jornada 720. Holding instant messenger conversations was a chore. I watched my friend play rock band, each song seemed epic. I get really sleepy, but we decided to go outside and play. At this point I was just pretty sleepy and felt a smidge high but short term memory was back. Figured it was cool to drive. Got home went to bed.

Entire trip was from 4ish-10ish, left friends house at 11.

I'd definitely try this again. Was a lot of fun. But I will make sure my baby sitter doesn't decide to drive all over the fucking place. Being in the car sucked. That was the only time I didn't enjoy myself.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70734
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2018Views: 1,016
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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