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The Better Person I Am Now
Ecstasy & GHB
by MRW
Citation:   MRW. "The Better Person I Am Now: An Experience with Ecstasy & GHB (exp709)". Oct 17, 2000.

I thought I should share with everyone the effects I've had from 'E.' I used to be a very, very shy girl, never met any new people because I was scared to talk! The first time I rolled, it changed my life forever. I can talk to almost anybody, i'm more open-minded and more outspoken. When I roll, a bunch of us usually go out to a club/rave and dance, meet new people, and just have a hell of a time. Always drink water and try oranges sometime! Sometimes we'll all just go to someone's house and chill, listen to music and talk.

I honestly think I've solved more of my problems when I was rolling than when I was sober. I've met the nicest people ever rolling, always smiling. You never see fights at a rave--look at how bars are when everyone is drinking, 8 out of 10 times people start fighting or arguing, right? You never see that with us, just love and laughter. And the best part is, now when we go out we don't even roll anymore, we learned enough from our expierences that it's in our hearts, not the drug [although on occasion it's always fun!:)].

One more thing...GHB. I love it and I'm a female. Never gone into a hole although I heard it's great. I take 2 tiny sips within 5-6 hours and I'm good. I wouldn't suggest any more than that unless you want to pass out. Just in case, leave valuables at home and make sure you have someone you trust with you to carry you to the car, because you'll probably be out for awhile!

Have a good time-just use in moderation!

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 709
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 17, 2000Views: 10,311
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