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Suspicions of a Mis-Adventure
Citation:   Number 6. "Suspicions of a Mis-Adventure: An Experience with Ketamine (exp71030)". Dec 18, 2018.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Not so special K

Two others (brother and mate Stu) went to a club in London (Chunnel - in the railway arches in Vauxhall) to a night called anti-world in Sept 2000. We were all rather avid fans of the Ecstacy at the time and occasional participants in Cocaine and Speed. We did avoid stuff like Ketamine due to the reported effects of it being trance state inducing, among other rather un-tempting descriptions. We were into the feeling of euphoria and clarity that drugs like ecstacy and the other 2 provide. We had not got sorted before going to the club that night and were therefore in the position of having to score at the venue. We pulled in 6 pills within 10 mins of arriving and each took one, waiting impatiently for the effect to start. About half an hour later I recall being on the dancefloor with Dave and Stu and looking at the wall opposite on which I could see a large fractil like picture which was moving like an image. My suspicions of a mis-adventure started there. No rushy come up ensued and we descended into the 'K-hole'.

We took up residence on a seating area to the side of the dancefloor and promptly entered our own little worlds. I remember clearly having a protracted conversation with my brother and then suddenly snapping back into reality, where I had not been talking to Dave at all, just been hallucinating. I also recall seeing a subway train pull into the main dancefloor area, which would've been nice if it was just an effect. I think the main thing that was disappointing about the experience was the not feeling euphoric and bouncing around on the dancefloor with wide smiles all night.

It does not facility movement, make me feel happy or provide feelings of joy. I no longer indulge in such activities, partly due to experiences such as this one.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 71030
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 18, 2018Views: 1,999
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), What Was in That? (26), Club / Bar (25)

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