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Easing the Withdrawal
Tramadol for Hydrocodone Withdrawal
Citation:   Street. "Easing the Withdrawal: An Experience with Tramadol for Hydrocodone Withdrawal (exp71069)". Dec 21, 2016.

300 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
Tramadol for Vicodin Withdrawal

12:25 A.M. – I just took six 50mg tablets of generic Ultram which is known as Tramadol Hcl whilst reading some very intriguing experiences on the net. Let me start with a bit of history about myself here to get a few things cleared up.

I have been eating about 15-20 hydrocodone 5-500 a day on a very consistent basis for about a year now. So I am what some would conceive as an addict I have to have these pills just to feel normal. My supply has had a interruption due to unforeseen circumstances so to sum it up I have been without any vicodin for 4 days now and feel like death warmed over. I can barely make it through the day good thing my job only consists of sitting in front of a computer designing graphics for print because I would be in some serious trouble if I had to do some physical labor. I can hardly type let alone get up and walk around. Withdrawal is an evil monkey I have shook hands with more than once. In my younger years growing up in southeast Missouri methamphetamine was all the rage. By the time I was 15 I was addicted and started selling pot and cocaine to keep up my secret meth addiction. By the time I was 16 I had learned how to cook dope 2 different ways the cold cook my personal favorite and the hot cook which had more leg time. When I was 18 I had pretty much abused every drug I could get my hands on I have always had a high tolerance to any drug I took except alcohol never liked it much.

I knew better than to get hooked up in that shit but it was the excitement of it all that got me hooked. Here it is 10 years later I’m still alive writing about the use of Tramadol to ease the withdrawal of vicodin and must say it definitely helps. I feel much better it doesn’t feel like vicodin but it makes the withdrawal tolerable. I always said fuck Tramadol but I gave it a good ride tonight and glad I did!
1:31 A.M.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71069
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Dec 21, 2016Views: 2,079
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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