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The Time Police
Salvia divinorum (20x extract)
Citation:   fishy. "The Time Police: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) (exp71096)". Aug 29, 2018.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Let me start by explaining that I have had 3 experiences with salvia and this was the least intense (and therefore the most memorable). It was not anything I would expect with salvia.

My buddies and I had this spot where we would go to smoke pot and chill that wasnt too far away but no one would expect there to be people there. It was this old victorian home that belonged to the city and there was an abandoned barn right behind it. The barn was fenced off, but that was easy to get around. For a few months there was a shed inside the barn. It was completely empty and was often used by us for hotboxing purposes. Anyways, I had salvia on me that day and thought it would be fun to hit it inside the shed with both doors shut so I could be in complete darkness.

I had a friend come with me so he can make sure I didnt do something crazy or knock over the bong or something.
I had a friend come with me so he can make sure I didnt do something crazy or knock over the bong or something.
So we close the shed doors and I sit down and hit the bong just once. I held it in for as long as I could and handed him the bong. What happened next was completely weird.

I felt as if my mind had been thrown into autopilot mode, racing through completely random thoughts that had no connection or relevance to the previous thought. Even though my thoughts made no sense, the cause behind the thoughts was with me the entire time. My brain was set on finding out the secret of time. Somehow I guess the secret was hidden somewhere in my thoughts and I was determined to find it. During this time my friend told me that I was talking nonstop saying things such as 'no. No. Not that. That's stupid. Maybe that, but not that.' I felt as if I was inching closer and closer to the secret. Finally I felt as if I did find it.. Everything seemed to glow for a short period when I found it and then I quickly felt a different high.

My mind was no longer in autopilot mode. I was aware that I had (or imagined I had) found out the secret of time. This gave me an odd sensation of time.. I felt like I could feel time. I also felt as if time was slowed down and that I was living one moment over and over and over before being spat into the next moment and experiencing that one over and over again. It almost felt like I was a towel tumbling around in a dryer and then getting launched into another dryer. This lasted for a while in my head, but who knows how much time had actually passed? I then noticed that this new feeling for time was slowly beginning to decrease. It didn't feel like I was forgetting how to feel time or anything, it felt a lot like something was taking it away from me. In between moments the 'time police' as I came to call them would take away my feeling for time bit by bit. Eventually there was no feeling for time and this is how I came down.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 71096
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 29, 2018Views: 817
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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