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Fox Hunt
Citation:   Croc_HunterDM. "Fox Hunt: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp7124)". Jul 15, 2002.

20 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT
  5.0 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DiPT
Trip report: 20mg 5meoDIPT, oral dose, ~10mg
insufflated. Subject, male, 21, 160lbs, lots
of psychedelic experience.

Hello! I'm a brave chemical researcher, always
trying to push the envelope for the good of everyone.
Eh heh. Actually, what I did last night resulted in
a great trip, but the route which I took was quite
reckless! Don't mess around with research chemicals
unless you have a scale that can measure the usually
very small doses which you need. A friend of mine, a
very magic lady, lent me some 5-MeO-DiPT
and I decided it was a must-try!

At 10pm I took what I had eyeballed to be a twenty
milligram dose of 5-MeO-DiPT, in a gelcap. The amount of
powder needed was very miniscule, and I must take this
opportunity again to warn that these small amounts
really should be weighed precisely. At about midnight,
I shook out a small amount of powder and divided it into
what I 'thought' 5mg looked like. I got two very small
lines, those of you into regularly snorting things would
not be satisfied with the size of these lines, but this
was no narcotic, this was a potent psychedelic! The
powder didn't burn much at all, and the small amount
of chemical taste in my drip was more than tolerable.
I had noticed effects begin to start a mere half hour
after dosing. I had fasted the entire day except for
one or two light snacks, so I attribute the rapid onset
to this. There was little nausea, just barely
perceptable, but this soon faded as the trip began.
I determined to boost my effects and thus insufflated
the small lines two hours after dosing. Normally if
you redose on this chemical, the literature says you
have to take more, but I think that up the nose results
in a faster onset and better bioavailibility.

At 12:30 the effects fully came on, with first a set of
low-hued visual distortions, followed by bright,
colorful tryptamine hallucinations, very like what
one would see on the traditional trips, acid, shrooms,
morning glory, but much cleaner and more intense. The
colors were really something, it was a continually
shifting spectrum, the whole of my range of site
cycling the colors in response to some rhythem I could
not comprehend. During this come up and plateau of
the drug, I felt a few mind effects of tripping,
but overall I was very much in control at all times.

I am pretty experienced with psychedelics, and moreso
with with the OTC favorite DXM, so this may have
something to do with the amount of control I maintained.
The visual distortions were really something else, fully
3-D bumps and ridges appearing out of no where, objects
swinging and flexing, etc. At one point I stared
intently at my beige carpet, and was amazed to see it
turn into flowing sand dunes!

At about 3am I noticed a definent decrease in the
effects of the 5-MeO-DiPT. At about this time I started
to smoke a lot of weed, and also began to feel the
body load come on. I got a few cramps up in my abdomen,
like near my belly button for some reason. That was
the worst of it, other than a general achey feeling all
over, cleared up easily by ibuprofen.

At this point, I actually started eating food! The bong
had made me hungry, so I made several trips to the
kitchen. Because I think vitamin C always helps trips
along, I grabbed and orange and a slice of bread and
devoured both in no time flat. Then I went back and
got a pear, and then a banana; luckily we eat a lot of
fruit in my family! I think my body preferred this
healthy snack over anything else I could have eaten,
although maybe the majority of fruit contributed
something to my cramp, who knows.

At 5:15am I was still tripping a little bit and getting
mild visuals, so I decided to turn in, figuring I was
sleepy enough from being awake so long that I wouldn't
need a sedative. I expected tryptamine insomnia tho,
and got my share of it. The hallucinations with only
night lumination coming through my shaded windows were
very cool, with my shadows 'freezing' in my line of
sight. I tossed and turned a lot, mostly to try to
appease my cramped abdomen. However by about 7am I
fell asleep, and woke up at 11:30am with the aid of
my alarm clock.

It's now almost two the day after,
and I still feel kind of muffle-headed and dizzy.
Luckily I don't think that I really overdosed on this
substance, and if I did, the OD wasn't harsh or totally
bad. Since I weighed out my doses just by eyeballing,
a very risky way to do things, there's no way really to
say how much I took, although in my research I see
that the average dose is at the high end 20mg, and
at the insane end 40mg+. This was a very enjoyable
trip, and I've never had visuals this good! This was my
first real experience with a research chemical, and I
must say that I'm really impressed. My hat goes off
to our country's chemists, always preparing new and
exciting (and legal!) substances for the exploration
of conciousness. I'd like to throw in my voice and
say that 5-MeO-DiPT is very enjoyable, and I'd like to see
more work done on this and other chemicals so that they
are more mainstream and safe and no longer need to be

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7124
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2002Views: 9,232
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