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Completely Insane
H.B. Woodrose, Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   James J. "Completely Insane: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp71303)". Oct 10, 2022.

T+ 0:00
7 seeds sublingual H.B. Woodrose (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00 Occasional joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  T+ 2:00 Several glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 4:00 5 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (ground / crushed)
  T+ 6:30 Several glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 7:00 More joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  T+ 7:00 Some glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)

I’m eighteen and have spent the last year and a half getting absolutely fucked on various substances varying from hallucinogenic, entheogens, chemicals, downers etc. I’ve done mdma and cocaine literally hundreds of times in addition to mushrooms, ketamine, speed, lsd.

These seeds in my opinion and my friends are like a shroom, ecstasy/lsd trip mixed together. I did the seeds three different times in one week. The first two were extremely light doses and probably the best experience of mine on drugs ever. And the third was probably the best until the other seven orally ingested seeds kicked in, making it a vertical plunge into a mind warped hell with no sense of reality whatsoever.

I bought these seeds of a site I have bought from before with v.good results. I bought one hundred for £30 which was a bargain. Trip number one: 2 seeds sublingual. As soon as they arrived curiosity got the better of me and at about 19.00 I tried only two tiny ones on my own not expecting much with the sublingual method for about fifteen minutes. I didn’t mind that whole process and it was well worth it. I went to my local shop about ten minutes after and got a beer and then on to the park.

I got there half an hour after spitting out the seeds and felt soo.. nice. I couldn’t stop grinning, the sun was out – I had my brew and just kind of meditated whilst consuming my beer, with a couple cigarettes. Everything looked very shroom like and I kept seeing weird traces of neon purple and green when my eyes where open. I had finally found the perfect drug. I went home after about an hour and ate most of the contents of the fridge (which was surprising) I then played some music and slowly returned to normal (not in a comedown way), and then went to bed at about 23.00.

Didn’t really look at myself in the mirror. I woke up the next day without a hangover of any sort and already had a feeling of knowledge and a sense of accomplishment. I didn’t feel the need to ever do drugs again, (bar the seeds) As the morning went on a friend informed me about a local gig that night.

Trip number two: 3 seeds orally. I was highly eager to try them again so I did. At about 19.00 I swallowed three which I had grinded up with a pestle and mortar. These were a lot larger then the ones the day before. I also had some travel sickness pills at the same time. I’ve got a ridiculously strong stomach and throughout the night had no nausea at all. I arrived at the gig about an hour later and was already feeling a strong buzz. Got a lift from my dad and got out the car just in time. Once again I couldn’t stop grinning – which was a bit embarrassing when trying to order a drink. I steadily felt more and more alive, I think this was heightened by the alcohol I consumed while at the gig (5 pints). I was talking non stop to everyone in a cocaine like way, without coming across ‘drugged up’ I went to the toilet about an hour after getting there so at 21.00 and was amazed at just how big my pupils where. With this revelation I then started to get the visual distortions, common to shrooms and ecstasy, combined with that ‘rush’ feeling of euphoria. I left when the gig ended at 12.00 and walked the half hour journey that it is to my house. I slept as soon as I got back and woke with only a beery hangover. This experience was so, so good I just really wanted to share it with some mates.

Trip number three: 7 seeds sublingual – 7seeds orally. A couple days later the weekend presented itself. I invited a couple mates around to try them. We got to it at about 13.00 each in turn having our dose, seven seeds sublingually and one travel sickness tablet each. The reason I stepped up the dose was I didn’t’ want there to be a moment where I got the look of ‘these are a bit shit and aren’t doin anything’

We chilled in my room smoking the occasional spliff for an hour and a half before going to the pub. For some reason this time the effect took about four hours or more to kick in. We arrived at the pub got our drinks and then were hit by immense fatigue. We couldn’t move or do anything but yawn and moan about how tired we were. We were all feeling pretty fed up and I kept having to convince them it was real and would happen. We decided to go back and have some more. The journey back was exhausting with the addition of the weird leg cramps people mention in other reviews. We got back still feeling nothing drug like three and a half hours after taking them. I was feeling annoyed and my two mates were feeling somewhat cheated. So I had the brilliant idea of doing six more each orally. I smashed them up six at a time and we washed them back with a shot of water. What put the anthrax icing on the cake was when I decided that I would drop a whole one (like a pill) I didn’t crush it, just dropped it.

It was now 17.00. Suddenly it hit. It was like coming up of a few pills and a shroom cap. Everything was getting so bright and surreal looking and I exchanged knowing glances with my mates who were feeling the same. This was so much fun. We smoked more cannabis (commercial) which brought it on in leaps and bounds. We chatted animatedly and joked around, all the time the effect getting stronger. For about two hours this was without a doubt the BEST drug experience of my life. I felt entirely in touch with nature and my mates and had a better outlook on life. All we could do was chat a laugh
I felt entirely in touch with nature and my mates and had a better outlook on life. All we could do was chat a laugh
, this part of the trip was really like shrooms but much better. Once again my legs started hurting and whenever I walked anywhere (between lying down) I felt like I was literally vertically taking off.

What turned it for the worst was when one of my friends raised the point that we had essentially ‘double dropped’ and that in fact the second dose wouldn’t kick in for a couple hours. This scared the shit out of him and worried me a little. We carried on watching t.v for about half an hour but it became really unnerving. We were watching friends and I couldn’t even understand the concept that we were watching t.v.

What made this worse was the auditory hallucinations which had really begun to scare me and the sense of much worse to come. I looked in the mirror and was shocked at how nasty my skin looked and then realised just how fucked I was when I starting seeing dozens of orange geometric shapes floating on my face just like lsd.

At 19.30 we decided to get out of the house and go back to the pub. The second we got outside the door one of my mates was violently sick everywhere, but then felt much better. He was lucky that he was sick as he missed out on the worse of what happened at the pub.

On our way there everything became very sinister, small roads would stretch on for miles and bend in the middle. Whatever I focused on, be it a lamppost or other object would leap to the right or left out of my vision whilst every else would stay the same. We got to the pub and I got the drinks with much difficulty, suffering from extreme paranoia due to how I looked. We sat outside and just sat there terrified. We didn’t talk as far as I remember. But I was hearing voices and actually hearing fragments of conversions that we weren’t actually having. This was the worst moment of our lives we all later agreed. There was no sense of reality, I didn’t know who I was why this was happening. I had no idea how to communicate with anyone, even my best friends. I now know what it’s like to be completely insane.

After what was probably an hour we couldn’t handle it and went back home hoping not meet anyone we knew. We got home at about 21.00 and then the peak passed. We spent an hour relishing the wonderful gift of sanity, we just talked and talked discovering revelation after revelation. And vowed never to fuck with our heads again. We then had some wine and more spliffs before crashing out for the night.

This whole fuckery was about six weeks ago and since then none of us have. Cannabis still gets smoked away daily, but it’s a benine drug in my opinion, and very pleasant. I am still an avid fan of alcohol as well. But that’s it…

Hope it helped

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71303
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 10, 2022Views: 1,314
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H.B. Woodrose (26), Cannabis (1), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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