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Lung Pain After Smoking Super Pollen
CP-55,940 & Cannabis
Citation:   Therapeutic CDXX. "Lung Pain After Smoking Super Pollen: An Experience with CP-55,940 & Cannabis (exp71582)". Jul 28, 2009.

5 mg smoked CP 55,940  
    smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I'm 31 and have been using cannabis regularly for the past 12 years.

The last couple times I smoked Super Pollen (aka the synthetic cannabinoid CP-55,940) in a bowl sandwiched between two pieces of bud (oreo bowl) I experienced mild pain in my lungs possibly associated with airway inflammation or other irritation. Shortly after the second to last time I used Super Pollen I fairly suddenly developed signs of a respiratory infection that included pain when inhaling, possibly blood in my phlegm all tho it was uncertain if this could have come from nasal drainage or not, fatigue, excess sleeping and temperature that was about a degree low for about 4 days. If it was infection and not a side effect of the Super Pollen smoking, I do not actually think the Super Pollen was directly related as I had recently been exposed to several respiratory risk factors but it might have been indirectly related do to immunomodulating properties of many cannabinoids, tho I have not ruled out the possibility that it was somehow directly involved.

Since recovering I have not used anymore Super Pollen until last night. I was at a dinner party and after dinner someone loaded an oreo bowl and passed it around. I had 3 hits off of it. The second and third hits hurt my lungs in a way reminiscent of how they felt when I was 'sick'. It's now been almost 12 hours and my lungs still feel a little tight. In the last few day I had not noticed this lung irritation from smoking bowls of cannabis alone, however when I was 'sick' attempting to smoke plain cannabis did aggravate my lungs.


Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71582
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 28, 2009Views: 12,233
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CP 55,940 (471) : Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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