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Reflections On Tramadol Use
Tramadol (Ultram)
Citation:   THX1138. "Reflections On Tramadol Use: An Experience with Tramadol (Ultram) (exp7170)". Nov 10, 2001.

  oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
I found the following written on a rolled up piece of paper in a bottle found in the Wal-Mart parking lot:

After reviewing the other reports of tramadol use, I felt it appropriate to give my evaluation of the substance as I have had extended experience with it. I enjoy opiates a good deal, and found that tramadol provided an adequate high (although it isn't really an opiate) and since I was able to obtain a lot of it, I figured I'd experiment a bit.

My body weight at the time was around 150lbs. I usually found that 100mg was a good base-level dose--not too intense, but enough to give an opiate-like comfy feeling. More often though, I tended to take 150-250mg, and found that 250mg is good for a strong experience, as one will not find it difficult to 'nod' off into opiate dream land at this level. I found that lying down, maybe listening to music, and just closing my eyes and sailing away at the 250mg level to be quite pleasant. It's not quite as nice as oxycodone, morphine, and the other 'real' opioids, but it comes very close.

I found it was really important to start out slow the first time... I had a friend who found two 50mg Ultram tablets (which I poorly suggested as a good starter dose) somewhat nauseating--although she found the experience enjoyable, she did vomit once. Also, Tramadol has slight SSRI properties, so I don't combine it with an MAOI or any tryptamine/serotoninogenic psychedelics and all that jive. My only really bad experience (which wasn't horrible by any means) occured when I took about 150ug of LSD a few hours after I had taken some Tramadol. It pretty much diminished the effects of the acid (as SSRI's will do) leaving me just feeling kinda wierd, it also upset my stomach and I threw up. It also reacted weird once when I had taken some Tramadol a few hours into an LSA trip (extracted from BHWR). Had I known about Tramadol's SSRI properties at the time I could have avoided these experiences.

As is with other opiates and opioids, I found Tramadol taken in large amounts can cause blood sugar levels to drop, so I would keep some orange juice handy. I've also noticed that if taking Tramadol for the first time in a while, residual effects were felt long into the next day (this is also the case with any strong opiate). I also kept about 500-1000mg around when I was taking tramadol regularly (daily). I found that after say a week or so of daily use some definite tolerance developed, and some withdrawal symptoms could occur if use was suddenly stopped. Keeping some around and gradually tappering doses down over the course of 2 or 3 days, until taking nothing, was found to alleviate this. So, though the physiological addiction potential isn't tremendous, dependence is still a possibility; I would guess certainly a stronger one if the user is prone to psychological dependency. I never found stopping to be a problem at all, but I've read internet postings where individuals had a very difficult time with tramadol dependency.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7170
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2001Views: 106,835
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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