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An Ocean of Pleasure
Citation:   One ArmedJack. "An Ocean of Pleasure: An Experience with Codeine (exp7181)". Dec 8, 2002.

60 mg oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
I stayed up until 5 AM one Sunday morning, and I knew that I would not be able to get any sleep for school Monday, so I decided to take something to help me sleep.

I went upstairs to the medicine cabinet, and grabbed a prescription bottle that said 'May cause drowsiness'. Intrigued, I looked at the label and noticed that they were Tylenol 3's. Now, I have always been interested in the narcotics, but never really had the balls to try them. Now I had a relatively safe try at them. After debating with myself for a few minutes, I quickly took two pills and swallowed them with a cupful of water.

So I walked down the stairs to get ready for bed. I didn't notice anything particularly different until I reached my room. I noticed that I was unable to walk straight without quite a bit of effort. I was rather excited by this, as that meant that the drug was working. I crawled into bed and waited for the drug to REALLY kick in

When it did about a half hour later, it did with a BANG! The first thing I noticed was that my body felt warm. It wasn't really a temperature warm, more like a FEELING of warmth was all over me. I tried running my hand across my chest, and noticed that I was quite numbed up. Then the euphoria hit. I realized that I had been grinning stupidly for about 5 minutes without even realizing it. Now I was beginning to feel like nothing was important. It was a great feeling. Pleasure just seemed to be hitting me like waves on an ocean, and in a way it felt like I was floating. This is not really sexual pleasure. It's much more of an intimate kind of pleasure. The kind you get when you sit back and relax by a fire and get a great backrub from someone you truly care about. Imagine that scene and multiply it by 50. It was just the most beautiful thing I had ever felt. I was riding on an ocean of pleasure and I didn't ever want to stop.

After a couple of hours of marveling at my experience, I drifted off to sleep, and I have never slept more peacefully.

The next day, I rolled out of bed and tried to stand up. This is when I learned that it doesn't wear off for awhile. I couldn't make it upstairs, so I just went to school without a shower. In my first class, I couldn't concentrate at all. It really felt like my brain was being BLOCKED. It still didn't feel bad. I was still having fun, so I didn't particularly care. The drug didn't completely wear off until around lunchtime, and I was sad to see it go.

In retrospect, this was a wonderful experience. However, the most important thing I learned from this is exactly how POWERFUL opiate addiction can be. After only one try I had to struggle not to take more the next night. This stuff is great for use every once in awhile, but now it is easy for me to see how quickly it can go from recreation to addiction. I'm glad I caught myself before it was too late. All I'm saying is that if you're experimenting with Codeine, Morphine, Vicodin, or OxyContin, or anything else like that, you need to be VERY careful, or you will get caught in the trap of addiction

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7181
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 8, 2002Views: 82,671
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Codeine (14) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Alone (16)

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