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The Ocean of Thought
Citation:   LSDriven. "The Ocean of Thought: An Experience with Ketamine (exp71877)". Sep 4, 2017.

3.75 lines insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I remember the first time I tried kitty. I only ended up getting about five dollars' worth because I spilled some of the 20 bag and I split the rest with my girl. This small taste only gave me the threshold effects of the drug, and I wasn't quite sure what to think of it.

The next time I did K, I grandly underestimated its potential. Seeing as how it hadn't been that powerful the time before, I decided to do 3 lines to the face. Ketamine for me usually takes a little bit longer to kick in than many drugs I've snorted (adderall, coke, meth, percocet, and others], so after doing the 3 lines, I was still a bit unsatisfied. Then, about 3/4 of the way into the final line, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I found myself laying on my bed, unable to even reach over and turn my light off. I remember thinking, 'So this is what a K-hole is like]. At times, I forgot completely that I had even taken anything, but the word 'Ketamine' floated across my consciousness several times. I was terrified. This wasn't like other drugs I had done; I couldn't control much at all. I was too disassociated to move and all I could do was panic inside my skull.

Yet for some reason, I was drawn back to it. What potential did this drug have that everyone raved about, but I had not tasted?

The third time I took the same amount was a charm. Instead of trying to control where my mind went, I let it take me by the hand and gently lead me through my journey. After turning all the lights off, and putting headphones off, I observed the room as it gently shifted in waves and I felt as if I was buried deep in the ocean. All of the tense, jibbering, nonsense bullshit that usually ran through my mind dissipated. All the artificial and superficial layers were pulled away and all that happened was I was AWARE. Simply there. Not focused, not thinking, just...existing. Music on acid is incredible, don't get me wrong, but music on ketamine is something else. It isn't even music anymore; its an entirely different material, an entirely different aspect to life.

When doing K, remember I try to control everything, because I won't be able to. Just let go. It's not a party drug for me; its the only drug I like doing by myself because you get completely cut off from the rest of the world. Let it lead. Let IT do the walking, and the thinking. All that is left in the end is my true thoughts, my true self, my inner light shining through. It's also the ONLY drug I've done that I come down and don't feel like I need more. I learn what I need to; then it's time to go to sleep and return to the world.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71877
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 4, 2017Views: 1,610
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