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Slow Onset, Great Trip
LSD & Gabapentin (Neurontin)
Citation:   Porcupine. "Slow Onset, Great Trip: An Experience with LSD & Gabapentin (Neurontin) (exp7194)". Jul 15, 2002.

400 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin (pill / tablet)
  1.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Before dropping acid a few days ago, I tried to do some research on possible interactions with the mood stabilizer I'm on, gabapentin (trade name is Neurontin). This is used not only as a mood stabilizer but also as an antiepileptic and in low doses as an insomnia treatment. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any information, so I went ahead and am now submitting this so that others doing similar research won't come up empty-handed.

I take 800mg of neurontin and 40mg of prozac every day. The last time I tripped, a year ago, I was only on the prozac and it didn't seem to have any effect on the LSD. To try and keep chemical interactions to a minimum, the night that I tripped this time I did not take the prozac and took only 400mg of neurontin.

I was with 3 people, who had all eaten one tab. Because I was a little nervous about tripping with two of these people, I started out taking only half a tab (these were gel tabs, not paper), which I ate around 11:45pm. An hour later, my companions were all definitely tripping, but I was not feeling anything at all. The other half of the tab had broken into three small, and at 1am I ate one of these three pieces. At 1:30, I ate the other two pieces, for a total of one full tab. I was still not feeling or seeing anything at all. At 2:30, I finally ate another half a tab, figuring that if this didn't work I would just go to bed. Around 3am (more than 3 hours after originally ingesting the half a tab), it finally started to kick in and the floor started to bubble (this always seems to be the first sign I get that acid is working).

The only difference between me and the other 3 people tripping was the neurontin, so I assume that the slow onset is a result of that, and possibly the prozac which although I didn't take that night would still have been in my system - though a year ago the prozac alone didn't do this.

Once the trip started, it hit me full force within about a half hour, and I was somewhat regretting having taken that last half a tab. Once I got over the initial paranoia, though, it was a terrific experience, mostly thanks to the music we were listening to (alternating Bach piano pieces and Pink Floyd). It started to die down slightly around 10am or so, and a couple hours later I fell asleep and woke up mostly sober at 7pm (but still with slight tracers).

So, in sum, if you are on neurontin be patient for the acid to kick in and don't overdo it just because you think it's not working! I would be interested to hear about others' experiences with this combination.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7194
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2002Views: 58,839
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Pharms - Gabapentin (183), LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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