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Kratom-Induced Hepatotoxicity
Kratom (15x extract)
by Sly
Citation:   Sly. "Kratom-Induced Hepatotoxicity: An Experience with Kratom (15x extract) (exp71949)". Aug 15, 2008.

4 g oral Kratom (extract)
I hope this will reach those that are contemplating trying kratom. I am a 25 year old of exceptionally good health. I should also preface this by stating that I have very few allergies and I have never had any bad bodily reaction to any legal/illegal substance...until I tried kratom.

A few months ago I purchased 15x extract after reading of the opium-like quality of this legal (in the U.S.) plant. I depleted the whole baggie within two weeks time, taking a strong dosage usually every other or third night. The effects were incredible at first: euphoria, warmth, bliss, everything you read in these forums. By the fourth dosage, everything went wrong. Within hours, I felt an intense, steadily increasing pain in my abdomen. The pain became so great that I was eventually curled up in a ball on my couch, vomiting helplessly on the floor. At the time, I figured I simply ate a dinner contaminated with some microbe. The next day however, I felt chills, my urine was the color of black tea, and I experienced an intense nausea. This condition would not go away. By the fifth day, I figured this was not a regular food contamination problem. By the fifth day, my whole body and eyes were a dark yellow color...jaundice had set in.

After several blood tests, and doctor's visits I was diagnosed with cholestatic hepatitis (or cholestatic hepatitis), a non-infectious liver disorder where your gall-bladder essentially shuts down for some time. My liver-panel blood test showed elevated ALT, AST, Alkaline Phosphate (a marker for gall-bladder health), bilirubin (the chemical that causes the yellow color of jaundice), and serum albumin levels. There was essentially no treatment, besides taking Compazine for the nausea, which in itself is a horrible drug (used in psychiatric wards to mellow out and dumb down residents).

My condition lasted two weeks. This was by far the worst illness I've ever experienced in my whole life. At times, I literally thought I would die. I understand that I have punctuated my story with drama, but I feel it is necessary to give caution to those that want to try this substance. It very well could have been that the extract was tainted with lab chemicals.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71949
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 15, 2008Views: 17,909
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Kratom (203) : Not Applicable (38), Health Problems (27)

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