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Pleasant Calm and Euphoria
Citation:   boredhippy123. "Pleasant Calm and Euphoria: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp72081)". May 14, 2021.

2 tsp oral Nutmeg
I have read a lot about many various drugs, and I decided on nutmeg, because it was legal, accessible, and stronger than other legal and accessible drugs. I took a small dose, because this was my first experience with nutmeg, and I am inexperienced with drugs in general. After about 45 minutes, I began to feel calm, and within an hour, I felt really good. It is very unlikely that it was placebo, as I am always cautious to avoid mistaking a placebo as a high, especially on first attempts. I would describe it as a warm body buzz, with a definite mood lift. I took the nutmeg mixed with orange juice, about two parts oj to 1 part nutmeg. I didn’t find the taste particularly bad, but this could have been because it was old and not fresh. I have a very strong stomach, and rarely throw up.

I stayed up late, as usual, and watched Half Baked on my iPod. I was not thinking any differently or feeling any differently, except for the good feeling and strong mood lift. However, I did experience bad itching on mosquito bites, which may or may not have been aggravated by the nutmeg.

When I woke up, and through the rest of the day, the body buzz was gone, but the euphoria still remained (in a slightly reduced state). It let me down slowly and I had no nausea or withdrawal symptoms. I look forward to future use, and will probably try 3 tsp. next time. I will be careful though, as I have read too many reports of OD’s to be careless with this drug simply because it is a spice. For me, this was a good dose to start with and is a good fit for my needs (mood lift, but not appearing too fucked up in front of my parents). The calm and mood lift really helped me because I am susceptible to depression and rage. I don’t look for delirium in any drug and will probably stick to low doses so as to minimize side effects, and avoid unpleasant hallucinations.

Peace and good luck!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72081
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2021Views: 697
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Nutmeg (41) : First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Unknown Context (20)

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