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Voyages to Clarification
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Zyniker. "Voyages to Clarification: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp72291)". Mar 31, 2023.

  smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  3.5 g oral Mushrooms  
  4 g oral Mushrooms  
    smoked Cannabis (flowers)

Preparation: I found a dealer through a friend who had Tasmanian shrooms. I bought 15 grams of the psychedelic as I figured my friends would be keen as well. After calculating how much I'd need via my body weight I determined that I'd need to take 3-4 grams as I way 180 lbs.

Setting: My two trips took place in two very different settings. My first trip took place at a friend’s house in Cape Town. My friend (let’s call him Donald for kicks) and his younger brother (Goofy) were present. The house is pretty massive and consists of a colossal theatre room, 9 bedrooms, several lounges, two pools and quite a few other rooms which have no relevance to this experience. The second trip took place in a forest near my house in KwaZulu-Natal. This forest is completely void of people and is extremely trippy even without psychedelics.

Drug History: I started smoking marijuana when I was fifteen and was a habitual smoker for two years (16-17 years old) but have stopped for now. I’ve found ganja a great alternative to drinking which I've yet to be fond of. Besides weed, my drug experimentation is rather limited. I’ve tried magic mushrooms once (prior to this account), MDMA on one occasion, LSD some time ago, Nutmeg twice and have had quite a few sessions with (snorting/ingesting) Ritalin which I use to find easily accessible and a great study aid.

Trip #1: Donald’s mom and stepdad were out on their honeymoon so the house was all to ourselves save for his stepsister who either was out or just stayed out of the way. We started our psychoactive night in Donald’s room by passing around a large joint of Durban Poison. We chose to start out with DP as being a 100% sativa strain the uplifting high would put is in a good mood as to avoid a bad trip. Next we dosed the mushrooms, Donald ingested 4 grams, Goofy consumed 4,5 and I ate 3,5.

The DP had us in such an energetic mood that we quickly became discontent with our enclosed surroundings and thus instantaneously ventured out into the garden. Being 11 pm at the time with not a cloud in sight the stars were clearly visible awing us for what we concluded was 5-10 minutes. After what must have been 20 minutes or so (taking into account the fact that my last shroom experience took 30 minutes to kick in) of insignificant prattle the glorious sensation of the trip’s onset was felt. Obviously my companions felt it to as they abruptly decided to venture to the theatre room.

Goofy being our most experienced drug user had an enormous collection of trance/psychedelic music exceeding 20 gigs. On arrival Goofy having his computer connected to the gargantuan movie screen proceeded to play a track by Prometheus loud enough to make us tremble. Goofy then turned on Gforce, a visualization program that works wonders in collation with psychedelics and fast music. This combination of trippy visuals, music and the sativa high gave the foundation to a trip that was to be incredible. Looking at the swirling patterns displayed on the screen was breathtaking to say the least; truly words cannot describe the sensations of enjoyment that overtook my entity.

Abruptly I was no longer staring at a screen. The entire room was swirling and alive with the insignia of Gforce. My thoughts were overwhelmed by the music as Infected Mushroom began to reverberate throughout the room. The harmony of the melody was all that mattered, all else was insignificant. Then, as if triggered by the music my subconscious spoke to me. It asked me what I sought, why I was commencing this trip. I responded that I wished to improve as an entity. After that, the trip truly began. Fueled by the music and urged by the magical mushrooms all thoughts of self-consciousness were stripped away.
It asked me what I sought, why I was commencing this trip. I responded that I wished to improve as an entity. After that, the trip truly began. Fueled by the music and urged by the magical mushrooms all thoughts of self-consciousness were stripped away.
I no longer cared what my friends thought and only wished to better my experience. Why worry over the judgment of others I pondered. We only live once, what is the point in holding back.

Tripping hard now I danced, feeling truly alive, as if I’d never lived. My body felt liquefied and I was capable of flowing with the music. Donald and Goofy too were dancing and we partied solidly for what seemed an eternity, yet when ended felt an instant. Eventually we regained sobriety, turned off the music and spoke for a time. We indulged each other with what we had gained and how astounding the trip had been. Donald said that he had established a newfound reverence for humanity. Goofy divulged that he had merely had a good time and was not content with ending the night.

Goofy, still tripping though coming down decided to go raving and invited us to come. Donald refused understandably as he was tired. Being better friends with Donald I too chose to stay. We spoke briefly of how tremendous the night had been then went to bed at 4am.

Trip #2. About a week after my trip with Donald and Goofy I couldn’t hold back any longer. I unearthed my stash retrieving the remainder of my mushrooms. They looked so good that I felt inclined to take them out and admire their bluish splendor. So I did, feeling their texture, squeezing their mass and inhaling their odor. Suddenly I gave in to my urge sticking 2 grams into my mouth and slowly chewing them. So as to gain the best effects I spent five minutes eating the first two grams and an additional five minutes eating the second two.

Fearing a bad trip I pulled out my bong and inhaled two long hits of Chronic. I find Chronic to be a mellow but very pleasant high. It definitely set the mood for my trip putting me into a very positive mindset. I looked forward to tripping without all the gadgetry of my previous experience. Sure it had been amazing, but it hadn’t allowed me to truly experience all that the mushrooms had to offer. Feeling thirsty I downed a litter of Coca-Cola (the liquid that runs through my veins) and walked down to the forest listening to Prana Geomantic (Primal Orbit to be exact) on my phone.

Arriving at a hefty boulder incased by the trees, I sat and looked out onto a view of the adjacent mountains. Sitting, listening to music I anticipated the euphoria to come and enjoyed the ambiance of the forest with my heightened THC senses. Then, as my phone switched to the next track, a song by Tiesto (Orange Theme) started to play. Immediately everything seemed better, my muscles loosened, the entire landscape in front of me swirled as if moved by a great breeze. It was breathtaking, suddenly I understood art, everything had meaning and every organism worked to improve the overall seen.

Abruptly as before I was asked what I wished to gain from this trip. This time my answer was to better know myself. Best decision of my life. Instantaneously I was reborn. I became impartial to the criticism of what I had been. I spent what truly felt a lifetime critically probing my memories of the past few years; I rethought what was right and wrong, accepted my faults and was resolute to take the best path for my future. I resolved that my life had been in neutral. I had been lazy, self-centered and ignorant in the path I had followed. I was now determined to start anew challenging prejudice and un-associating myself with the foolish ignorance that a part of me had once been so thoughtlessly ardent to follow.

I stood up enlightened, jubilant that I had this chance to start anew. For the next few hours I wondered the forest feeding my newly acquired senses. Every touch was new, every sound something special. I felt like a newborn experiencing everything for the first time. Nothing seemed malevolent and for once all was at peace. Suddenly I felt the urge to capture my surroundings using my phone’s (5 megapixels) camera to capture my surroundings. I persisted until my phone’s memory ran out, enjoying every manifestation. After what seemed an eternity I left the forest in search of home, now leisurely returning to my old self, yet not.

Conclusion. Every thought from the trip I still maintain. I know feel a renewed vigor. Rehabilitated my new and old self became one, gradually. A week later now, I have returned to my old self, yet I never truly will. I have truly improved as an entity and strive now to better myself and others. This experience was truly a positive one, giving me the strength to do the things I have procrastinated for so long. Suddenly I have a new found respect for psychedelics and definitely plan to shroom again, but not for some time I think. Perhaps if I lose resolve again, but for now I feel great, overcome with positive energy and no longer discontent with my life.


Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72291
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 31, 2023Views: 696
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