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DXM (with CPM)
by Alan
Citation:   Alan. "Fear: An Experience with DXM (with CPM) (exp7234)". Feb 9, 2003.

720 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
I had tripped on DXM before, but never at an extreme amount as this.

It was the day right after school had gotten out.

The previous day I had gotten up at about 5:00 AM in the morning to go to the store and get some OTC medicine, namely Coricidin Cough + Cold. I have done it quite a few times before, but usually never exceeding 8-10 pills (240-300 mg). I began to get very scared of the drug, and decided to quit, but do it one last time. For about 2 weeks, I was a regular coricidin user before this, but had stopped for about a week before this trip.

It was late, at about 12:30 am. on a Friday night. I didnt have any weed left, but I remember I had some coricidin. I really didnt want to, but I went to my room and pulled out the baggie of pills i had popped out of the foil. I counted them - 24 pills.

'What the heck,' I thought, and I popped 8, then 16, then 24 (with about 5 second intervals in between.)

I then got back on to my computer, and started to look at some websites.
About an hour later, I still didnt feel much. (about 1:30 am.) I remember that when I ate, it hit me faster. So I pulled out a bag of chips and started munching.

At 2:00, I started to feel kind of drunk. This was similar to my previous encounters with DXM. I popped in a movie (South Park), and started to watch. The characters in the movie were talking very quiet, and I couldnt really keep my eye on one of them.

At about 2:30, I couldnt watch the movie anymore. It was scaring the hell out of me, and I felt kind of sleepy. I got up, and fell right down on my face, whacking the coffee table. I stumbled to my feet, and walked to the bathroom.

It took about 10 or 15 minutes just to pee, and then I looked over at the mirror. I couldnt see myself, and then for a brief second I came into focus. I saw a person that I didnt know, and that was a complete stranger to me. I started to cry when I realized it was me.

The light got to be too much, so I walked to my bedroom. The walls swirled around me when I left, and the rooms began to separate from eachother. I walked into my dark room (about 8X8 feet,) and noticed that it was HUGE.

I made it to my bed, and fell down. I looked over at the clock, which jumped around and trailed. I turned away and then back to it, and the numbers jumped out and rushed at me. I screamed out of terror, but then remembered that it was all fake, a trip, and then smiled.

I then looked up at the fan, which started to make a swirly pattern (it wasnt on.) I turned to the wall, and it moved in and out at me, and a poster started to fall over towards me. I turned away and back to the fan, and it started to come at me too. This was all too much for me, so I jumped out of bed. I ran out of my room as fast as I could, falling down numerous times, and shut the door hard. 'Everything is after me!' I thought.

I ran back into the living room and turned on some lights. I popped the movie back in, and then forgot it was on and got up. I ran into my mom in the hallway, and she started to talk gibberish to me. I said something that I cant even remember, and hugged her, and fell down. She then walked away.

I went back into the living room, and started to talk to myself. I looked around, to see that I was dwarfed by the room. The TV was hundreds of feet high, as were the couches. I tried to climb back up to one of them, only to fall down.

Once again, I had to go to the bathroom.

When I got there, I went pee (another 15 minute adventure), and then left. I looked down the hallway to see nothing but an endless hallway with dark windows on either side. I slunk back in terror, but remembered everything that is scary in my room. I couldnt take it, so I started to run down the hall, and tripped over the couch that I couldnt see.

I came in and still didnt realize that the movie was on. All I could see was a blur of light from that direction whenever I looked over there. I got really scared, almost to the point of crying again. I looked around, and saw nothing again. I stayed there, in nothing, for what seemed like hours.

I then got really sleepy and tried to go back to bed.

I made it into bed, but saw that chains and other metal spikey things hanging from my fan (medival toture-like stuff.) I got really scared, and turned away. I then like..its hard to explain, but I kinda floated out of my body, to see me there on the bed, scared. I couldnt take it, I just wanted to get away. I couldnt focus on the clock when I looked back, and it soon melted away into nothing.

I found myself in nothing again, looking around, with just me there, nothing else. Everything was black, and I could keep hearing noises like I was in the basement of a power plant or something.

I started to get real scared of dying. I kept on thinking that this was the end. I thought that I was dead for a while. But then i thought, 'Im not going to wake up tomorrow..', and I couldnt stop thinking about it. I had thoughts it earlier in the trip, but now, I felt like I knew i was about to die. It was truly one of the scariest moments in my life.

I dont remember much from that point on, and I couldnt see what time it was.

The next day when I got up, I felt odddly refreshed. I was sweating a whole bunch though. All I could remember was the big scary things. I was happy about it though, I actually tripped on Coricidin...

I had to go to work, and everything was still pretty fuzzy. The lights were VERY bright, and everybody seemed to mumble everythting. I felt cold, but also kept sweating excessivly. I also felt very emotional-type, like i could say anything to anybody. I felt like i could tell a stranger stuff I had locked inside me for years. It felt great, and I had some good feelings inside too. My head was also very heavy.

My advice to users: BE CAREFUL. I have heard of peopel dying (or getting very sick) with lesser doses than I took (12).

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7234
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 9, 2003Views: 18,803
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DXM (22) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5)

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