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Paranoid to the Limit
Citation:   Black. "Paranoid to the Limit: An Experience with Cocaine (exp72515)". Jun 22, 2018.

750 mg insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
It was my first time trying coke, and It costed my friend and I 65 for a gram and a half, so I figured why not try it, since he only made me drop 25 bucks. I had snorted vicodin and ecstacy before so I was ready for the insuffilation. It all started on a park bench. There were MANY people there, but we didnt care. We were doing chunky lines off of my ipod, and after my 7th line I was done.

I found the effects to be much like E, but a little different. I couldnt feel my left side of my face (left nostril snorter), I made random phone calls and forgot about them shortly after, and EVERY car that pulled up I asked 'Is that a cop car??'. Definitely too paranoid. As I rode my bike home, I felt like the street on which I rode was a treadmill, and got home in about 4 minutes, it normally takes me 10 or 15.

All in all I loved this experience, but I will warn that it is mentally addicting, it becames more valuable to one then cash.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 72515
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 22, 2018Views: 1,207
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Cocaine (13) : General (1), First Times (2), Performance Enhancement (50), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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