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I Hadn't Smoked for Over a Month
Citation:   CrappedHisPants1. "I Hadn't Smoked for Over a Month: An Experience with Cannabis (exp72593)". Apr 20, 2020.

2 hits smoked Cannabis
Feces On My Shoes

So at around 7:00 PM I called my guy to ask if my friend C and I can buy some weed. He told us to head over there and to call him when we were outside his place. After getting out money, we drove the 20 minute drive to his house. I called him, and he said to come up alone. So I went up.

When I got inside, we caught up a little bit and as usual he talked about past experiences he had with my brother. We got to the porch and I saw that he has a bong, and then I told him I hadn't smoked for over a month. He immediately hooked me up with a full bowl. I got the first hit, which I took a lot of. I was coughing like crazy because, hell, it's been a month. I felt that feeling right away. I loved it. He took his hit and not 10 seconds later from when I took the first one, he said “Hurry up, go go go”, and you know how that is. I had to take it. I took another huge hit.

After that, I could feel sweat dripping off my face. I couldn't even talk because of how much I was coughing. He then told me how he didn't care if I coughed, and he understands my situation. Shaking, I go back inside where I gave him the money and he gives me the bags. He says he has stuff he has to do, but to hit him up before I move, which is in about 3 weeks.

So there I am, in front of his door waiting for the elevator to take me from floor 7 to 1. It took what seemed to be forever, considering what I was going through. While I was waiting there, I remember nearly blacking out. My vision was pretty much gone. I could make out where the door was, but I couldn't see the handle. Ding! The elevator was here and I was still about to black out. I searched around for the door handle, but it was a failure. I just couldn't find it. You know you're in bad shape when you can't open a door. Finally, someone inside the elevator opened the door for me. Inside was a stereotypical looking drug dealer, and considering what part of town I was in, he was probably one of them. I went inside, and I was so frightened that I forgot to push the button for floor 1, but as I would find out later, he was going to floor 1 anyway.

Now here is where it gets horrible. I really had to go to the bathroom very bad for a while now. I didn't want to ask my guy to use his bathroom because I knew how bad it was going to be. I actually had to try to keep everything in. While in the elevator, from the combination of the THC, the nervousness, and having to go to the bathroom, I lost control of my muscles
from the combination of the THC, the nervousness, and having to go to the bathroom, I lost control of my muscles
. Feces started to come out. I clenched as hard as I could. This is all happening while in a tiny elevator with a very suspicious looking man who can obviously tell what I am doing. I try and use my hands to stop it, but even that proved failure.

So we reached the bottom floor. I finally got my vision back, and was walking back to the car. I got in the car, which now I know was a dick move, because now C's car smells like shit, and told him what had happened. Before I even told him I shit myself, he said “What did he give you?!”, thinking the smell was coming from the weed. I told him, and for some reason, he wasn't too upset. I could tell he knew that he would have to clean it up very good though.

We went to the nearest gas station to clean up, seeing as I didn't want to go back home to face my parents. I won't go on any further with what happened with my parents, but let's just say, I can be a very very good liar.

Moral of the story: Never smoke a lot if you really have to use the bathroom.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72593
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 20, 2020Views: 850
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Cannabis (1) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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