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Started Off Bad But Ended Great
Citation:   Defpo. "Started Off Bad But Ended Great: An Experience with mCPP (exp72601)". Aug 8, 2009.

55 mg oral mCPP
mCPP down the hatch... bad taste... almost sour and bitter at the same time. Not bad if mixed with Gatorade.

Light nausea onset, not unbearable but uncomfortable. Pupils beginning to dilate. Everything seems bright.

Strong nausea, vomiting. There goes a good lunch.

Hunched over the toilet vomiting again.

Nausea has completely subsided and now I am beginning to finally enjoy the experience.

Pupils highly dilated. Everything seems to be moving slightly. The farther away the object of focus the greater the movement. Looking outside provides an almost earthquake like feeling. A mild paranoia is also beginning to set in. It feels like someone is in the room with me when no one actually is.

Earlier regrets and feelings of “why did I do this” have completely gone out the window. It feels great. I feel happy without a care in the world. Its incredible.

T: 2 hrs
Beginning to worry as I have to be at work in 30 minutes and I have still not come down. Paranoia greatly increased by this worry. Still feeling good over this worry/paranoia.

T: 2hr15min
Time to head to work and still flying. Everything outside looks amazing as I walk through the grass, looking down into the grass, everything seems to become greener as I progress, eventually becoming a glowing neon green. 2 cigarettes help to ease any worry about going into work.

T: 2hr30min
Arrive at work. To my surprise the only symptom that I am unable to control is the incredible dilation of my eyes and some occasional jitters. Other than that work actually became quite enjoyable in this state (by saying this I do not recommend that anyone goes into work after taking mCPP or any other drug, ultimately I regret doing it).

Finally coming down. Euphoria less noticeable. Mild headache coming on.

Effects of drug, other than eye dilation, have all but disappeared. Headache strengthening.

Eyes back to normal. Headache almost unbearable. A few advil taken to ease the headache. After I got past the initial nausea it is all worth it.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72601
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 8, 2009Views: 9,577
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mCPP (102) : General (1), Alone (16)

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