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Getting High With My Cat
Citation:   somuchbetter. "Getting High With My Cat: An Experience with Catnip (exp72709)". Aug 23, 2018.

1 cig. smoked Catnip
  2 Tbsp oral Catnip
Having no pot on me, and having high anxiety anyway, I decided to try some of my cat's catnip. I heard it wasn't anything crazy, but I really wanted to calm down and relax. I was really skeptical upon trying it. I've never heard of anyone doing it before, I mean, it seems kind of ridiculous. I thought it would be worth a try. I'd thought about trying salvia but I heard it was nothing but frightening... And I didn't feel like freaking out, I felt like chilling out.

I rolled a cigarette sized paper full of dried catnip. I lit it and expected a minty feeling. Now, I don't know if my catnip was old, or different, or maybe I wasn't doing it right... But it tasted really, really bitter. I didn't get any minty feeling. The smoke was very thick and white, but inhaling it didn't feel harsh whatsoever. It just felt like I was smoking an ultra light tobacco cigarette. Almost immediately after taking two hits, my head felt rather heavy. I lifted it off from the couch back and got kind of a mini-rush. Then, a very faded headache set in. The cigarette stank pretty badly, and burned really quickly. My cat enjoyed the second hand smoke, almost in an annoying way. My girl cat seemed to enjoy the smoke more than the actual dried herb.

Frustrated, I decided to try and just eat the catnip. First, I put a tablespoon under my tongue and let it sit there for about 2-3 minutes. By that point, it made me jaw tingle a little bit. I then chewed it and swallowed it. I did this two more times. It was still bitter, but not as bad as smoking it. After about 10 minutes, I felt my muscles getting very loose feeling. I didn't get tired, just lazy. I just wanted to sit on the couch and do nothing. My cat cuddled up with me, which didn't help trying to stay awake and see if I had any 'high'. The only thing I really noticed was that I had a sense of visual clarity. Things seemed a little sharper, but I could have been squinting, I don't remember. About 10 minutes later, I got pretty tired and decided to lie down. I almost immediately fell asleep and I took a good 3 hour nap.

After my nap, I woke up and still had a slight headache, and my throat is a little sore. I was pretty surprised by this. Overall, it was nice to fall asleep with but maybe next time I would try a fresher version of it. I don't know that its really worth ingesting because of the time and amount I had to take.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72709
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 23, 2018Views: 1,215
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Catnip (68) : General (1), First Times (2), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)

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