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Sing to Me Trees
Citation:   Cherry. "Sing to Me Trees: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp72851)". Mar 2, 2009.

15 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT
My very first trip was one I hope I never forget. A few minutes after I nervously took ~15 mg of 4-AcO-DMT in a shot of water, I started feeling a bit high. There was definitely a substance in me, but that was the extent of the feeling.

C, my boyfriend, best friend, and trip partner (he had had experience with psychedelics previously, so I felt much more secure going into the experience), walked to the giant park in the middle of our campus, walked to the murky part of the reservoir within, and turned back to head toward the huge open field. Here I started feeling the effects; I felt like I was periodically being 'punched' by the drug. At this point I felt like I'd be happy either moving to the next point on our journey or just standing where we were, staring at a tree.

C and I sit/lay in the field; he began feeling the effects before me. We listened to Shine On You Crazy Diamond and I felt there was a small symphony in my mouth. I relaxed and listened, fixated on a tree in the distance. Maybe since this was my first time, I felt like telling him (and everybody else, I just wanted to share) everything I was feeling.

A bit later (I have no idea how long since my time perception was completely distorted), we walked to the edge of the reservoir. I decided I wanted to listen to Transatlantic, and All of the Above began playing. Across the reservoir (probably a few hundred yards away), the group of trees transformed into monkey faces (and at the very beginning, skull faces). They moved in interesting dance patterns and sang along to the song, putting on a show for me. I knew they could potentially hurt me if they crossed the water, but I knew that it wouldn't happen since they were my friends. Occasionally I'd look at the sky above the trees and see patterns of hexagons made up of small triangles.

At this point I began an internal dialogue between my conscience (which was louder and sounded more like me than ever) and what I can only describe as the voice of a big black woman who would guide me through my problems. We went over every issue I was thinking about at the time. I felt more worry free and confident than I ever have. She told me to always feel that way, and that now we had talked I could do it myself without her help.

All of the Above seemed to last for hours, and we started moving to another destination right as it was finishing. A flock of ducks loudly flew over the water and some landed in it. I thought it was a beautiful and artistic and poetic way to complete the song.

C and I walked again. While walking, we passed a group of people having what I presumed to be a picnic. From a distance I thought they were little kids, but approaching them, I realized they were mostly adults, with a few little kids playing by the water. I wondered why our society treats adults different from kids. What I thought was a dog or a duck turned out to be a few white bottles or something certainly inanimate, and I came to the conclusion that everything, living or otherwise, deserves to be treated with the same amount of decency and respect.

We walked through a bit of somewhat dense woods until we reached a clearing where C could smoke (he wanted a boost, as at that point his effects were weaning). I sat on the ground stroking a baby plant and watching some of the bugs walking around me. I really liked looking at him then; when I looked at him I felt like I was staring at a photograph. After he had finished, we started leaving the park. I thought that it was stupid that people reduce the whole process of sunset to one minute (upon returning to sobriety I realized that that specific sunset time makes sense for record-keeping sake). Right before leaving our park, I thought that humans must have some balls to think they can decide what is nature and what isn't. I thought everything is a part of nature, the trees and grass and cars and buildings (once again, sobriety reminded me that all of those simply aren’t included in the definition of nature, but at the time it was a mind-blowing thought).

When we got back to our place, I had a brief laughing fit. We listened to music, some of which made me cry due to its sheer beauty. I (seemingly for the first time, although it should have been obvious) realized that there are many different kinds of love, and that the kinds of love I have for C and my favorite band and my other friends are all completely different.

The peak of my first trip was one of the top experiences of my life, and many trips later, I still consider it as such.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 72851
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2009Views: 12,080
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : First Times (2), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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