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Happy 5's Indeed!
Nimetazepam & Codeine
Citation:   Wrexile. "Happy 5's Indeed!: An Experience with Nimetazepam & Codeine (exp73018)". Apr 22, 2016.

5 mg oral Nimetazepam (pill / tablet)
  120 mg oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
My friend, on a night of sheer boredom / minor insanity filmed himself one night at his house taking a mystery Benzodiazepine. He had acquired it from a close friend who acquired it from a friend etc etc. His friend told him the name of the substance but my friend, being him, forgot the name of it. I found out that it was Nimetazepam and how exceptionally rare it was to get hold of.

After reading of its effects compared to other benzos I just had to get hold of some. My anxiety and stress had been at an all-time high and the relief was more than needed to stop me having a breakdown.

I got four 5mg tablets for a stupid price (but one that I was still willing to pay). I take Codeine every day for knee pain and I have ended up using it to combat anxiety and as an escape from depression... Which was an extremely silly idea as I now have an addiction, albeit a small one.

That evening I had the breakdown I had anticipated and decided to take one. The onset was quick (around 5mins) and the relief was instantaneous. I stopped crying and shaking and felt wonderful. Compared to the other benzos I've tried (only Diazepam and Temazepam) there was so so much euphoria and sense of wellbeing. The term 'happy 5' became clear... The muscle relaxation was very prominent and the hypnotic effects were not too full-on so I was able to enjoy the whole of the half-life. Though I suppose insomnia helped with that somewhat.

It was being described as a replacement for MDMA in some texts, which I was skeptical of, but the euphoria is remarkably similar. When something is 'good' it turns into 'really good' or if I liked something 'a lot' I turned to liking it 'SO much'. My speech and vocabulary improved which is always terrible when I am anxious. It really was quite wondrous how much it helped me return to the person I used to be, before depression and anxiety in its many forms had taken away my personality.

I can see addiction becoming extremely easy with this chemical so I must be careful not to gain yet another one.

- fin -

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73018
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 22, 2016Views: 7,269
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Nimetazepam (737) : Combinations (3), General (1), Alone (16)

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