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Rolled to the ER....
Ecstasy (PMA?)
by Rez
Citation:   Rez. "Rolled to the ER....: An Experience with Ecstasy (PMA?) (exp7317)". Jun 8, 2001.

1 tablet oral Unknown (pill / tablet)
-6:30pm, I swallowed what I thought was MDMA. It was a double-stacked blue pill with a label of 'RN.' To kill some time, I went downstairs and played Tekken Tag. I was by myself, which probably wasnt the best idea.

-7:30pm, my head began to throb, in sync with my heartbeat. The pain was 10 times worse than any migraine I have ever been through. I got really hot, and couldn't see straight. There were no feelings of a normal roll (I've done X about 5 times before, and each time was fine).

-8:00pm, the wall began to move, just as if I was tripping. I saw mild visuals, then began to vomit violently. My head began hurting even worse, and could not stop dry heaving. I felt insane, and I was talking to myself, contemplating whether or not to call 911. My roomate finally got home, and I told him to take me to the hospital or else I would die...

***Went to the ER, my blood pressure was way above normal, and my body temp. was 101. They injected me with 50mg of phenergan and demerol (sic?), and slept till 1:00AM...Filed under a 'severe migraine.'*** BE CAREFUL OF WHAT U EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7317
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 8, 2001Views: 47,251
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Unknown (120), MDMA (3), PMA (126) : What Was in That? (26), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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