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Pleasant Mild Buzz, Good Dreams
Tobacco Blend
Citation:   herbalsmoker. "Pleasant Mild Buzz, Good Dreams: An Experience with Tobacco Blend (exp73309)". Feb 13, 2018.

  smoked Tobacco
    smoked Uva Ursi
    smoked Spearmint
    smoked Salvia apiana
Since I've started rolling my own cigarettes, I've been wanting to experiment with herbal blends. So, I started researching different smoking herbs online, and came across 'kinnick kinnick', which usually just refers to bearberry leaves, but can also mean a blend of bearberry with ingredients like red willow bark, osha root, and yerba buena. At a local liquor store I found a pre-mixed blend from American Spirit called the 'Pow-Wow Blend' which contains tobacco, bearberry leaves, spearmint, sage, and red willow. I was stoked to see it and decided to try it immediately.

I had rolling papers and filters on hand so I rolled a terrible cigarette in the car after I bought it. You really have to mortar and pestle the bearberry and red willow to roll good cigarettes with this stuff, or use a pipe, but I don't have a pipe, yet. Anyway, I smoked the horribly rolled cigarette, and noticed immediately that this is nowhere near as harsh as straight tobacco. I didn't even get a nicotine buzz from it, or notice much of a taste, besides a pleasant hint of spearmint. It was alright, but it wasn't until I went grocery shopping about 10 minutes later that I noticed a mild euphoric feeling, similar to the first time I smoked weed.
I noticed a mild euphoric feeling, similar to the first time I smoked weed.
It was pleasant because it was more of a grounded feeling than I get from smoking weed, without time dilation or giddiness.

I've been smoking about 3 cigs/day of this stuff for 2 days now. They're much better cigarettes since I've been crushing the bark and leaves in this blend. Takes a while to sort it out, but it's worth it. Every time I've had a good buzz. And, the dreams I've been having are much more vivid than my normal dreams. Very fun!

I did not like how I felt after I had a drink, though. 1 shot of gin, which usually makes me feel great, instead just kind of messed up this nice buzz I had going, and I had a headache afterward.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73309
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 13, 2018Views: 3,317
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Uva Ursi (659), Tobacco (47) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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