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Like Sipping the Finest Wine in the World
Citation:   Naliah312333. "Like Sipping the Finest Wine in the World: An Experience with Morphine (exp73326)". Oct 29, 2019.

T+ 0:00
15 mg IV Morphine (liquid)
  T+ 12:00 15 mg IV Morphine (liquid)
  T+ 14:03 20 mg IV Morphine (liquid)
[Erowid Note: Intravenous (IV) injection of crushed pills/tablets can be very dangerous due to unknown substances, binders, and fillers present. Any substance injected directly into the blood stream should be very pure. Clean needles and medically appropriate techniques should be used to avoid serious injury or death.]
Morphine experience

A friend of mine stopped by one day and let me have two 30mg Morphine tablets. I usto use heroin often many years ago and was looking to bring closure to the memories and faint abora- like dependence that still lingered in my sub conscious. They were small and lavender in color. On the front of the pill was an up and down letter M, and on the back was the number 30. That night I read every trip report on a harm reduction website pertaining to morphine, I had really no idea what these could do.

The next day I used a razor blade to carefully remove, by gently scarping, the lavender extended release coating. Once finished, I sniffed the scrapping to reveal the potency, getting the red die all inside my nose with the scrapping never the less it had an effect. I’ve never tried Morphine before. I broke one of the tablets into two pieces. I wanted to start with a small dose and see how my body would react. I haven’t used an opiate for over five years. After purchasing a bag of syringes from my local pharmacy, I put a piece of one of the pills into a large spoon and added a small amount of spring water. After bringing it to a boil by holding a lighter under the spoon so that the water would become inject able and free from bacteria, I drew it through a bit of cotton. After disinfecting my arm with rubbing alcohol I began my first experience with crushed Morphine intravenous

8:30AM 15mg My heart beat rapidly as I injected it’s clear contents. I felt a warm sensation move down my arms and into my abdominal area. My stomach began to grumble involuntarily and tightened like I was in the middle of a sit up. Weird but alright; strong stuff!

8:41AM I feel a nice strong feeling. I relaxed for awhile and took a warm bath.

9:30AM Yeah, I’m really happy with that, feels just like Heroin! Same intensity- now it’s time for a walk outside.

1:30PM Cleaned up the house after I came home, I’m almost down now, feeling peaceful, interested in doing that again. This is very fun! Just a slight dizziness is left, not bad for just 15mg- an entire day’s worth for someone with no tolerance.

4:00PM The intensity is gone but the warm and relaxed feeling seems permanent.

8:30PM 15mg Nice warm feeling again. Takes longer to get up there, 10 mins over instantaneous.

9:16 Comment, “This is like sipping the finest wine in the world.”

9:56 Time to work in my notebook. I’ve found that whenever I dote want to feel the pull of addiction I can simply put my solution into words and I am released because of them.

This is my solution= Qualified restorer.

10:33 20mg Tolerance pretty high, I found that experience very exciting and would recommend it in small doses over an extended period, (*prescription). I kept the last 10mg to sniff in the morning on the next day. I do have one criticism, frequent nausea over 30mg intravenous.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73326
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 29, 2019Views: 6,214
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Morphine (211) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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