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Decided to Try
Hydrangea arborescens
Citation:   Not Given. "Decided to Try: An Experience with Hydrangea arborescens (exp73327)". Sep 18, 2016.

  smoked Hydrangea (leaves)
  5 hits smoked Hydrangea (leaves)
I decided to try hydrangea (sevenbark) after I found out about its effects. I went outside to my hydrangea plants and found a small light brown leaf from the hydrangea plant. I went out to my woods and maybe had about five puffs. The effect came on pretty quickly. It was a weed-like high, but with no cotton mouth, no paranoia or delusion. It made me feel like I was a little high on weed with maybe a beer, but it made me think like I was pretty high (in the way I think about things and see things etc). It lasted about 30 mins maybe.

*caution* [I have read] hydrangea contains cyanogenic glycosides which produce hydrogen cyanide (HCN). Hydrogen cyanide is toxic at certain amounts. I do not know the levels of cyanide in HCN.

Hydrangea is nice if I want to think as if I'm on weed without the major intoxication, delusions, paranoia/ anxiety and cotton mouth. The only negatives to this is the risk of cyanide poisoning.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73327
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 18, 2016Views: 2,539
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Hydrangea (635) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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