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Studying While Under the Influence
by Jay
Citation:   Jay. "Studying While Under the Influence: An Experience with Cannabis (exp73799)". Jan 22, 2020.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
Hi, My names Jake. I’m 15 and I live in a small suburban town. Like most suburban towns, I was brainwashed by Truth advertisements, and a D.A.R.E. officer coming into my classroom and giving us pencils for staying away from drugs. What could I do right? I was 11 years old, and I truly believed what I was told was the truth. My middle school years went by.

I was overall a good kid, except my 8th grade year. The exact date was May 22nd 2008, the day that would possibly change my life forever. This was the day I would first try marijuana. Let it be known, I was in the stoner crowd. Most of my friends smoked weed, only one smoked a lot. So, I won’t get into my story, but I was absorbed by how powerful it was. Most incredible experience. So anyways, I’m a freshman now. Live a happy life. I am known as the stupid stoner who just smokes weed all day long, and doesn’t bother doing my homework. That is the exact opposite. I am very dedicated to my schoolwork. Just it was one day that I believe would change me.

It was my Dads birthday, and I had some weed left over. My main intention was to just stay home and study. No weed, just homework.
My main intention was to just stay home and study. No weed, just homework.
Later I decided I would study high. This is the worst mistake; I wish I would have never made it.

I convince my Mom to let me stay from the Dinner (I don’t enjoy going anyways. My parents' friends were a bunch of drunks). So I call over my friends’ older brother, A [alias]. He told me that N [alias] (little brother of A) wasn’t home. Now, I myself don’t have a bowl because I don’t want to risk having it found. So I asked if he wanted to bring his bowl, and I’d smoke him out. He agrees, and tells me he’ll be over in a few minutes.

I head to the basement and pick apart the weed. It seemed like hours (I was still sober), anxiously awaiting his silver car to pull up. Finally, it did. To my surprise, N got out of the car. I guess he got home before A left. So I would smoke the both of them out. Cool with me, because I didn’t want to get super stoned. We head out to my garage and toke up. First hit, my dog starts barking like mad. So we let him out in the garage, he’s scared of lighters so he hid. Now, we smoked like 4 bowls and I had a little bit of weed left, which I let them take. I was really stoned. I don’t know why, but I knew there were going to be some issues later on.

I call my dog in, he’s acting strange, however, I open the garage to air it out. Now, my dog wants water, I get him some. I sit on the couch and chill for a minute. He runs up to the couch and starts standing by me not wanting me to leave. Finally, I get up, and realize he seems stoned. I immediately start freaking out. I call my friend, ask him what to do (he only laughs). Then I hit online. Seems everything will be okay in a few hours.

With that weight of stress off my back I headed into the basement to start on my homework I had been blowing off. So I open my math book, and start working on the problems in the book. I notice I can’t focus AT ALL! I keep writing the wrong questions wrong, I can’t comprehend what word problems are asking me to do, and it’s just a mess. So finally two hours I get done.

I was putting my math away when the doorbell starting ringing, like constantly. Needless to say, it’s my parents. So I run back down, avoiding all contact. I then realize I hadn’t studied for my English test which was the main reason I stayed home (I then find out I got a 73% on the test). So I start saying that I’m screwed, and I’m going to fail the test. “Damn!” I think to myself, I need to forget about this, and start my French homework. Now I’m pretty good at French sober (French 1), and stoned I couldn’t do ANYTHING! All I could do was just sit there reading the French words aloud to myself. I then finally comprehended that it was a puzzle, and I had to write the answer in this thing, and it was the worst thing for a person who had been high to do. It was like embarking on a quest to find the Holy Grail. Finally, an hour and a half later I finish!

Let me say this, it takes about 30 minutes to math sober, and about 10 to do French homework. I still pass my classes with A’s and B’s, just doing homework high was horrible.
I still pass my classes with A’s and B’s, just doing homework high was horrible.

I ‘m tired, I want to sleep, and I don’t understand anything my parents are telling me, all I could think about was Neuf mis Huit. It sucked. I got into the shower, and just jumped into bed right after.

Please, think twice before doing anything serious while under the influence. Smoking is a nice way to relax after a hard school day, but make sure you don’t have a big test, or have homework to finish up.
P.S. My dog turned out fine

I am writing this while coming off Adderall. So the details might be a little much, but I hope you can read and understand.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73799
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Jan 22, 2020Views: 856
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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